Zeitschriftenartikel (97)

Corsten, M. (1998). Between constructivism and realism: Searle's theory of the construction of social reality. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 28(1), 102–121.
Corsten, M. (1998). Between conctructivism and realism: Searle's theory of the construction of social reality. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 28(1), 102–121.
Dorenlot, P. (1998). Etude des identités nationale ou supranationale de jeunes issus de familles mixtes franco-allemandes. Education Et Societes Plurilingues, 4, 63–73.
Edelstein, W. (1998). Selbstwirksamkeit in der Schulreform. Unterrichtswissenschaft, 26(2), 100–106.
Edelstein, W. (1998). Selbstwirksamkeit im Kontext der Schulreform. Pädagogische Führung: Brandenburg, Berlin, Thüringen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, 9(2), 56–59.
Fleeson, W., & Baltes, P. B. (1998). Beyond present-day personality assessment: An encouraging exploration of the measurement properties and predictive power of subjective lifetime personality. Journal of Research in Personality, 32, 411–430.
Frensch, P. A., Lin, J., & Buchner, A. (1998). Learning versus behavioral expression of the learned: The effects of a secondary tone-counting task on implicit learning in the serial reaction task. Psychological Research, 61(2), 83–98.
Freund, A. M., & Baltes, P. B. (1998). Selection, optimization, and compensation as strategies of life-management: Correlations with subjective indicators of successful aging. Psychology and Aging, 13(4), 531–543.
Freund, A. M., & Baltes, P. B. (1998). Selection, optimization, and compensation as strategies of life management: Correlations with subjective indicators of successful aging. Psychology and Aging, 13(4), 531–543.
Friederici, A. D., Schriefers, H., & Lindenberger, U. (1998). Differential age effects on semantic and syntactic priming. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 22(4), 813–845.
Gieraths, C., & Solga, H. (1998). Von der Realität zur Vision: Das Modell einer "differenzierten" Hochschule. Academia, 13-97/98, 18–22.
Gigerenzer, G. (1998). We need statistical thinking, not statistical rituals. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 21(2), 199–200.
Gigerenzer, G. (1998). Surrogates for theories. Theory & Psychology, 8(2), 195–204.
Gigerenzer, G., Hoffrage, U., & Ebert, A. (1998). AIDS counselling for low-risk clients. AIDS Care, 10(2), 197–211.
(Italian translation: Le consulenze sull' AIDS per persone a basso rischio. In La dimensione cognitiva dell' errore in medicina, pp. 185-203, by V. Crupi, G. Gensini, & M. Motterlini, Eds., 2006, Milan: Franco Angeli).
Gigerenzer, G., Hoffrage, U., & Ebert, A. (1998). AIDS counseling for low-risk clients. AIDS Care, 10(2), 197–211.
Gollwitzer, P. M., & Oettingen, G. (1998). The emergence and implementation of health goals. Psychology & Health, 13(4), 687–715.
Halpin, B., & Chan, T. W. (1998). Class careers as sequences: An optimal matching analysis of work-life histories. European Sociological Review, 14(2), 111–130.
Händle, C. (1998). Die Deutsche Lehrerzeitung: Versuch als Magazin. Erziehung und Wissenschaft, 50(3), 36–36.
Händle, C., Oesterreich, D., & Trommer, L. (1998). Eine Studie zur politischen Bildung in der Sekundarstufe I im Rahmen der IEA. DVPB Aktuell, 2, 29–31.
Hart, D., Keller, M., Edelstein, W., & Hofmann, V. (1998). Childhood personality influences on social-cognitive development: A longitudinal study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74(5), 1278–1289.