Publications of the Institute

Journal Article (5285)

Journal Article
Binz, M., Alaniz, S., Roskies, A., Aczel, B., Bergstrom, C. T., Allen, C., Schad, D., Wulff, D. U., West, J. D., Zhang, Q., Shiffrin, R. M., Gershman, S. J., Popov, V., Bender, E. M., Marelli, M., Botvinick, M. M., Akata, Z., & Schulz, E. (2025). How should the advancement of large language models affect the practice of science? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 122(5), Article e2401227121.
Journal Article
Bruckner, R., Nassar, M. R., Li, S.-C., & Eppinger, B. (in press). Differences in learning across the lifespan emerge via resource-rational computations. Psychological Review.
Journal Article
Buchberger, E., Brandmaier, A. M., Lindenberger, U., Werkle-Bergner, M., & Ngo, C. T. (in press). The process structure of memory abilities in early and middle childhood [Registered Report]. Developmental Science.
Journal Article
Crine, V., Papenberg, G., Johansson, J., Boraxbekk, C.-J., Wåhlin, A., Lindenberger, U., Lövdén, M., Riklund, K., Bäckman, L., Nyberg, L., & Karalija, N. (2025). Associations between inflammation and striatal dopamine D2-receptor availability in aging. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 22, Article 24.
Journal Article
Drewelies, J., Fiedler, A., Brick, T. R., & Kühn, S. (2025). Investigating associations between the physical living environment and hippocampus in adulthood and older age. Environmental Research, 267, Article 120728.
Journal Article
Dubova, M., Chandramouli, S., Gigerenzer, G., Grünwald, P., Holmes, W., Lombrozo, T., Marelli, M., Musslick, S., Nicenboim, B., Ross, L., Shiffrin, R., White, M., Wagenmakers, E.-J., Bürkner, P.-C., & Sloman, S. J. (in press). Is Occam’s razor losing its edge? New perspectives on the principle of model parsimony. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
Journal Article
Dutt, S., Bachman, S. L., Dahl, M. J., Li, Y., Yew, B., Jang, J. Y., Ho, J. K., Nashiro, K., Min, J., Yoo, H. J., Gaubert, A., Nguyen, A., Blanken, A. E., Sible, I. J., Marshall, A. J., Kapoor, A., Alitin, J. P. M., Hoang, K., Rouanet, J., Sordo, L., Head, E., Shao, X., Wang, D. J. J., Mather, M., & Nation, D. A. (2025). Locus coeruleus MRI contrast, cerebral perfusion, and plasma Alzheimer's disease biomarkers in older adults. Neurobiology of Aging, 147, 12–21.
Journal Article
Felgendreff, L., Rebitschek, F. G., Shamsrizi, P., Geiger, M., Jenny, M. A., & Betsch, C. (2025). Explaining seasonality increases perceived effectiveness of influenza vaccination: An experimental study. British Journal of Health Psychology, 30(1), Article e12770.
Journal Article
Frevert, U. (2025). Honour and humiliation: Emotional economies of war and defeat. Nations and Nationalism. Advance online publication.
Journal Article
Ghisletta, P., Aichele, S. A., Gerstorf, D., Carrollo, A., & Lindenberger, U. (in press). Verbal fluency selectively predicts survival in old and very old age. Psychological Science.
Journal Article
Gigerenzer, G., Allen, C., Gaillard, S., Goldstone, R. L., Haaf, J., Holmes, W. R., Kashima, Y., Motz, B., Musslick, S., & Stefan, A. (2025). Alternative models of funding curiosity-driven research. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 122(5), Article e2401237121.
Journal Article
Haux, L. M., Engelmann, J. M., Herrmann, E., & Hertwig, R. (in press). Adaptive exploration in chimpanzees. Nature Communications.
Journal Article
Herzog, S. M., & Hertwig, R. (2025). Boosting: Empowering citizens with behavioral science. Annual Review of Psychology, 76, 851–881.
Journal Article
Kopsacheilis, O., Analytis, P. P., Kaushik, K., Herzog, S. M., Bahrami, B., & Deroy, O. (2025). Crowdsourcing the assessment of wine quality: Vivino ratings, professional critics, and the weather. Journal of Wine Economics, 19(3), 285–304.
Journal Article
Lalwani, P., Polk, T. A., & Garrett, D. D. (in press). Modulation of neural variability: Age-related reduction, GABAergic basis, and behavioral implications. eLife.
Journal Article
Liu, P., Chu, Y., Zhai, S., Zhang, T., & Awad, E. (2025). Morality on the road: Should machine drivers be more utilitarian than human drivers? Cognition, 254, Article 106011.
Journal Article
Lockwood, P. L., van den Bos, W., & Dreher, J.-C. (2025). Moral learning and decision-making across the lifespan. Annual Review of Psychology, 76, 475–500.
Journal Article
Lu, Y.-L., Lu, Y.-F., Ren, X., & Zhang, H. (2025). Exploring the bounded rationality in human decision anomalies through an assemblable computational framework. Cognitive Psychology, 156, Article 101713.
Journal Article
Luke, R., Oostenveld, R., Cockx, H., Niso, G., Shader, M. J., Orihuela-Espina, F., Innes-Brown, H., Tucker, S., Boas, D., Yücel, M. A., Gau, R., Salo, T., Appelhoff, S., Markiewicz, C. J., McAlpine, D., The BIDS Maintainers, & Pollonini, L. (2025). NIRS-BIDS: Brain imaging data structure extended to near-infrared spectroscopy. Scientific Data, 12, Article 159.
Journal Article
Mooraj, Z., Salami, A., Campbell, K. L., Dahl, M. J., Kosciessa, J. Q., Nassar, M. R., Werkle-Bergner, M., Craik, F. I. M., Lindenberger, U., Mayr, U., Rajah, M. N., Raz, N., Nyberg, L., & Garrett, D. D. (2025). Toward a functional future for the cognitive neuroscience of human aging. Neuron, 113(1), 154–183.
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