Zeitschriftenartikel (259)

Filevich, E., Horn, S. S., & Kühn, S. (2019). Within-person adaptivity in frugal judgments from memory. Psychological Research, 83(3), 613–630. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00426-017-0962-7
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González-González, A. I., Schmucker, C., Blom, J., van den Akker, M., Nguyen, T. S., Meerpohl, J., Röttger, K., Wegwarth, O., Hoffmann, T., Straus, S. E., Gerlach, F. M., & Muth, C. (2019). Health-related preferences of older patients with multimorbidity: The protocol for an evidence map. BMJ Open, 9, Article e029724. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2019-029724
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