Zeitschriftenartikel (221)

Deserno, M. K., Bathelt, J., Groenman, A. P., & Geurts, H. M. (2023). Probing the overarching continuum theory: Data-driven phenotypic clustering of children with ASD or ADHD. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 32(10), 1909–1923. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00787-022-01986-9
Deserno, M. K., Fuhrmann, D., Begeer, S., Borsboom, D., Geurts, H. M., & Kievit, R. A. (2023). Longitudinal development of language and fine motor skills is correlated, but not coupled, in a childhood atypical cohort. Autism, 27(1), 133–144. https://doi.org/10.1177/13623613221086448
Doell, K. C., Berman, M. G., Bratman, G. N., Knutson, B., Kühn, S., Lamm, C., Pahl, S., Sawe, N., Van Bavel, J. J., White, M. P., & Brosch, T. (2023). Leveraging neuroscience for climate change research. Nature Climate Change, 13, 1288–1297. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-023-01857-4
Dong, M., & Bocian, K. (2023). Responsibility gaps and self-interest bias: People attribute moral responsibility to AI for their own but not others’ transgressions. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 111, Article 104584. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesp.2023.104584
Dong, M., Kupfer, T. R., Yuan, S., & van Prooijen, J.-W. (2023). Being good to look good: Self-reported moral character predicts moral double standards among reputation-seeking individuals. British Journal of Psychology, 114(1), 244–261. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjop.12608
Dorrough, A. R., Köbis, N., Irlenbusch, B., Shalvi, S., & Glöckner, A. (2023). Conditional bribery: Insights from incentivized experiments across 18 nations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120(18), Article e2209731120. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.220973112
Ehrenberg, A. J., Kelberman, M. A., Liu, K. Y., Dahl, M. J., Weinshenker, D., Falgàs, N., Dutt, S., Mather, M., Ludwig, M., Betts, M. J., Winer, J. R., Teipel, S., Weigand, A. J., Eschenko, O., Hämmerer, D., Leiman, M., Counts, S. E., Shine, J. M., Robertson, I. H., Levey, A. I., Lancini, E., Son, G., Schneider, C., Van Egroo, M., Liguori, C., Wang, Q., Vazey, E. M., Rodriguez-Porcel, F., Haag, L., Bondi, M. W., Vanneste, S., Freeze, W. M., Yi, Y.-J., Maldinov, M., Gatchel, J., Satpati, A., Babiloni, C., Kremen, W. S., Howard, R., Jacobs, H. I. L., & Grinberg, L. T. (2023). Priorities for research on neuromodulatory subcortical systems in Alzheimer's disease: Position paper from the NSS PIA of ISTAART. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 19(5), 2182–2196. https://doi.org/10.1002/alz.12937
Elkin, J. A., McDowell, M., Yau, B., Machiri, S. V., Shanthi, P., Briand, S., Muneene, D., Nguyen, T., & Purnat, T. D. (2023). The good talk! A serious game to boost people’s competence to have open conversations about COVID-19: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 12, Article e40753. https://doi.org/10.2196/40753
Engelmann, J. M., Haux, L. M., Völter, C., Schleihauf, H., Call, J., Rakoczy, H., & Herrmann, E. (2023). Do chimpanzees reason logically? [Registered report]. Child Development, 94(5), 1102–1116. https://doi.org/10.1111/cdev.13861
Eppinger, B., Ruel, A., & Bolenz, F. (2023). Diminished state space theory of human aging. Perspectives on Psychological Science. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/17456916231204811
Ernst, M. S., Peikert, A., Brandmaier, A. M., & Rosseel, Y. (2023). A note on the connection between trek rules and separable nonlinear least squares in linear structural equation models. Psychometrika, 88(1), 98–116. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11336-022-09891-5
Esmaily, J., Zabbah, S., Bahrami, B., & Ebrahimpour, R. (2023). Interpersonal alignment of neural evidence accumulation to social exchange of confidence. eLife, 12, Article e83722. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.83722
Feng, X., & Rutherford, A. (2023). The dynamic resilience of urban labour networks. Royal Society Open Science, 10(7), Article 230214. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.230214
Ferreiro, D. N., Deroy, O., & Bahrami, B. (2023). Compromising improves forecasting. Royal Society Open Science, 10, Article 221216. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.221216
Feuerriegel, S., DiResta, R., Goldstein, J. A., Kumar, S., Lorenz-Spreen, P., Tomz, M., & Pröllochs, N. (2023). Research can help to tackle AI-generated disinformation. Nature Human Behaviour, 7, 1818–1821. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-023-01726-2
Fjell, A. M., Sørensen, Ø., Wang, Y., Amlien, I. K., Baaré, W. F. C., Bartrés-Faz, D., Boraxbekk, C.-J., Brandmaier, A. M., Demuth, I., Drevon, C. A., Ebmeier, K. P., Ghisletta, P., Kievit, R., Kühn, S., Skak Madsen, K., Nyberg, L., Solé-Padullés, C., Vidal-Piñeiro, D., Wagner, G., Watne, L. O., & Walhovd, K. B. (2023). Is short sleep bad for the brain? Brain structure and cognitive function in short sleepers. The Journal of Neuroscience, 43(28), 5241–5250. https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2330-22.2023
Fjell, A. M., Sørensen, Ø., Wang, Y., Amlien, I. K., Baaré, W. F. C., Bartrés-Faz, D., Bertram, L., Boraxbekk, C.-J., Brandmaier, A. M., Demuth, I., Drevon, C. A., Ebmeier, K. P., Ghisletta, P., Kievit, R., Kühn, S., Skak Madsen, K., Mowinckel, A. M., Nyberg, L., Sexton, C. E., Solé-Padullés, C., Vidal-Piñeiro, D., Wagner, G., Watne, L. O., & Walhovd, K. B. (2023). No phenotypic or genotypic evidence for a link between sleep duration and brain atrophy. Nature Human Behaviour, 7, 2008–2022. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-023-01707-5
Fleur, D. S., van den Bos, W., & Bredeweg, B. (2023). Social comparison in learning analytics dashboard supporting motivation and academic achievement. Computers and Education Open, 4, Article 100130. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.caeo.2023.100130
Friemelt, B., Bloszies, C., Ernst, M. S., Peikert, A., Brandmaier, A. M., & Koch, T. (2023). On the performance of different regularization methods in bifactor-(S-1) models with explanatory variables: Caveats, recommendations, and future directions. Structural Equation Modeling, 30(4), 560–573. https://doi.org/10.1080/10705511.2022.2140664
Fritz, F. J., Mordhorst, L., Ashtarayeh, M., Periquito, J., Pohlmann, A., Morawski, M., Jaeger, C., Niendorf, T., Pine, K. J., Callaghan, M. F., Weiskopf, N., & Mohammadi, S. (2023). Fiber-orientation independent component of R2* obtained from single-orientation MRI measurements in simulations and a post-mortem human optic chiasm. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 17, Article 1133086. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2023.1133086
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