Zeitschriftenartikel (2739)

Eppinger, B., Hämmerer, D., & Li, S.-C. (2011). Neuromodulation of reward-based learning and decision making in human aging. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1235(1), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1749-6632.2011.06230.x
Fellinger, R., Klimesch, W., Gruber, W., Freunberger, R., & Doppelmayr, M. (2011). Pre-stimulus alpha phase-alignment predicts P1-amplitude. Brain Research Bulletin, 85(6), 417–423. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brainresbull.2011.03.025
Freunberger, R., Werkle-Bergner, M., Griesmayr, B., Lindenberger, U., & Klimesch, W. (2011). Brain oscillatory correlates of working memory constraints. Brain Research, 1375, 93–102. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brainres.2010.12.048
Gaissmaier, W. (2011). Risk communication: Why we need understandable information. Way Ahead, 15, 10–12.
Gaissmaier, W., & Marewski, J. N. (2011). Forecasting elections with mere recognition from small, lousy samples: A comparison of collective recognition, wisdom of crowds, and representative polls. Judgment and Decision Making, 6(1), 73–88.
Galesic, M., & Garcia-Retamero, R. (2011). Graph literacy: A cross-cultural comparison. Medical Decision Making, 31(3), 444–457. https://doi.org/10.1177/0272989X10373805
Garcia-Retamero, R., & Dhami, M. K. (2011). Pictures speak louder than numbers: On communicating medical risks to immigrants with limited non-native language proficiency. Health Expectations, 14(Suppl. 1), 46–57. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1369-7625.2011.00670.x
Garcia-Retamero, R., Galesic, M., & Gigerenzer, G. (2011). Enhancing understanding and recall of quantitative information about medical risks: A cross-cultural comparison between Germany and Spain. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 14(1), 218–226. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_SJOP.2011.v14.n1.19
Garcia-Retamero, R., Galesic, M., & Gigerenzer, G. (2011). Cómo favorecer la comprensión y la comunicación de los riesgos sobre la salud [Improving comprehension and communication of risks about health]. Psicothema, 23(4), 599–605.
Gigerenzer, G. (2011). What are natural frequencies? Doctors need to find better ways to communicate risk to patients. BMJ, 343(7828), Article d6386. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.d6386
Gigerenzer, G., & Gaissmaier, W. (2011). Heuristic decision making. Annual Review of Psychology, 62(1), 451–482. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-psych-120709-145346
Gigerenzer, G., & Goldstein, D. G. (2011). The recognition heuristic: A decade of research. Judgment and Decision Making, 6(1), 100–121.
Gigerenzer, G., & Sturm, T. (2011). ¿Herramientas=teorías=datos? Sobre cierta dinámica circular en la ciencia cognitiva [Tools=Theories=Data? On some circular dynamics in cognitive science]. Quaderns de Psicologia, 13(2), 35–61. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/qpsicologia.949
Goetz, T., Frenzel, A. C., Lüdtke, O., & Hall, N. C. (2011). Between-domain relations of academic emotions: Does having the same instructor make a difference? The Journal of Experimental Education, 79(1), 84–101. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220970903292967
Goldstein, D. G., & Gigerenzer, G. (2011). The beauty of simple models: Themes in recognition heuristic research. Judgment and Decision Making, 6(5), 392–395.
Gresch, C., & Kristen, C. (2011). Staatsbürgerschaft oder Migrationshintergrund? Ein Vergleich unterschiedlicher Operationalisierungen am Beispiel der Bildungsbeteiligung. Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 3, 208–227. https://doi.org/10.1515/zfsoz-2011-0303
Grimm, K. J., Ram, N., & Hamagami, F. (2011). Nonlinear growth curves in developmental research. Child Development, 82(5), 1357–1371. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8624.2011.01630.x
Hämmerer, D., Li, S.-C., Müller, V., & Lindenberger, U. (2011). Life span differences in electrophysiological correlates of monitoring gains and losses during probabilistic reinforcement learning. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(3), 579–592. https://doi.org/10.1162/jocn.2010.21475
Hepach, R., Kliemann, D., Grüneisen, S., Heekeren, H., & Dziobek, I. (2011). Conceptualizing emotions along the dimensions of valence, arousal, and communicative frequency: Implications for social-cognitive tests and training tools. Frontiers in Psychology, 2, Article 266. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00266
Herbert, M., Eppinger, B., & Kray, J. (2011). Younger but not older adults benefit from salient feedback during learning. Frontiers in Psychology, 2, Article 171. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00171
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