Zeitschriftenartikel (2747)

Pietraszewski, D. (2016). Priming race: Does the mind inhibit categorization by race at encoding or recall? Social Psychological and Personality Science, 7(1), 85–91. https://doi.org/10.1177/1948550615602934
Pietraszewski, D. (2016). How the mind sees coalitional and group conflict: The evolutionary invariances of N-person conflict dynamics. Evolution and Human Behavior, 37(6), 470–480. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2016.04.006
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Rozenblatt, D. (2016). The assassin's smile: Facial expression as political expression. History of Emotions - Insights into Research, 2016(October). https://doi.org/10.14280/08241.48
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Schmidt, A. (2016). Das Tagesplanbuch. Geschichte der Gefühle - Einblicke in die Forschung, 2016(October). https://doi.org/10.14280/08241.53
Schmidt, A. (2016). The day planner. History of Emotions - Insights into Research, 2016(October). https://doi.org/10.14280/08241.52
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Schulz-Zhecheva, Y., Voelkle, M. C., Beauducel, A., Biscaldi, M., & Klein, C. (2016). Predicting fluid intelligence by components of reaction time distributions from simple choice reaction time tasks. Journal of Intelligence, 4(3), Article 8. https://doi.org/10.3390/jintelligence4030008
Schulze, C., & Newell, B. R. (2016). More heads choose better than one: Group decision making can eliminate probability matching. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 23(3), 907–914. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13423-015-0949-6
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Shing, Y. L., Brehmer, Y., Heekeren, H., Bäckman, L., & Lindenberger, U. (2016). Neural activation patterns of successful episodic encoding: Reorganization during childhood, maintenance in old age. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 20, 59–69. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcn.2016.06.003
Shing, Y. L., & Brod, G. (2016). Effects of prior knowledge on memory: Implications for education. Mind, Brain, and Education, 10(3), 153–161. https://doi.org/10.1111/mbe.12110
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