Thesis - PhD (231)

Thesis - PhD
Limbird, C. K. (2006). Phonological processing, verbal abilities, and second language literacy development among bilingual Turkish children in Germany [PhD Thesis, Freie Universität Berlin].
Thesis - PhD
Mata, R. (2006). The aging decision maker: Cognitive aging and the use of decision strategies [PhD Thesis, Freie Universität Berlin].
Thesis - PhD
Pachur, T. (2006). Ecological rationality: Do samples in memory reflect the world? [PhD Thesis, Freie Universität Berlin].
Thesis - PhD
Röcke, C. (2006). Intraindividual variability in positive and negative affect: Age-related and individual differences in magnitude and coupling with cognitive performance [PhD Thesis, Freie Universität Berlin].
Thesis - PhD
Wilke, A. (2006). Evolved responses to an uncertain world [PhD Thesis, Freie Universität Berlin].
Thesis - PhD
Biele, G. (2005). No man is an island: Cooperation in groups and social learning [PhD Thesis, Freie Universität Berlin].
Thesis - PhD
Demmrich, A. (2005). Improving reading comprehension by enhancing metacognitive competences: An evaluation of the reciprocal teaching method [PhD Thesis, Universität Potsdam].
Thesis - PhD
Ebner, N. C. (2005). Striving for gains and preventing losses: Multi-method evidence on the differences in personal goal orientation in early and late adulthood [PhD Thesis, Freie Universität Berlin].
Thesis - PhD
Gummerum, M. (2005). The development of prosocial behavior: Integrating psychological, economic and evolutionary perspectives [PhD Thesis, Freie Universität Berlin].
Thesis - PhD
Maaz, K. (2005). Primäre und sekundäre Disparitäten des Hochschulzugangs [PhD Thesis, Freie Universität Berlin].
Thesis - PhD
Nagy, G. (2005). Berufliche Interessen, kognitive und fachgebundene Kompetenzen: Ihre Bedeutung für die Studienfachwahl und die Bewährung im Studium [PhD Thesis, Freie Universität Berlin].
Thesis - PhD
Reimer, M. (2005). Autobiografisches Gedächtnis und retrospektive Datenerhebung: die Rekonstruktion und Validität von Lebensverläufen [PhD Thesis, Freie Universität Berlin].
Thesis - PhD
Schaefer, S. (2005). Concurrent cognitive and sensorimotor performance: A comparison of children and young adults. Doctoral dissertation, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany [PhD Thesis].
Thesis - PhD
Scheibe, S. (2005). Longing ("Sehnsucht") as a new lifespan concept: A developmental conceptualization and its measurement in adulthood [PhD Thesis, Freie Universität Berlin].
Thesis - PhD
Schrenk, J. (2005). Aushandlungen unter Kindern: Einsatz verschiedener Taktiken im Verlauf einer Aushandlung und Stellung in der Peergruppe [PhD Thesis, Universität Potsdam].
Thesis - PhD
Stange, A. (2005). The social dimension of wisdom: Conditions for perceiving advice-giving persons as wise. Doctoral dissertation, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany [PhD Thesis].
Thesis - PhD
Chang, P.-H. (2004). Transformation of vocational secondary schools: A study of the vocational Gymnasium in Germany [PhD Thesis, Freie Universität Berlin].
Thesis - PhD
Daniels, Z. (2004). Differenzierung schulischer Interessen im Jugendalter [PhD Thesis, Universität Potsdam].
Thesis - PhD
Dieckmann, A. (2004). The ecological rationality of heuristics and their builing blocks: the making of adaptive decisions [PhD Thesis, Freie Universität Berlin].
Thesis - PhD
Dieckmann, A. (2004). The ecological rationality of heuristics and their building blocks: The making of adaptive decisions [PhD Thesis, Freie Universität Berlin].
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