The Structure of the Institute
The Max Planck Institute for Human Development is headed by four Directors: Simone Kühn (Director of the Center for Environmental Neuroscience), Ralph Hertwig (Director of the Center for Adaptive Rationality), Ulman Lindenberger (Director of the Center for Lifespan Psychology), and Iyad Rahwan (Director of the Center for Humans and Machines). The current Managing Director is Ralph Hertwig. The Deputy Managing Director is Iyad Rahwan.
The Institute’s four research centers, an Emmy Noether Group, and three Max Planck Research Groups are also involved in numerous national and international collaborative research efforts with universities and nonuniversity research institutions.
More information about our research can be found on our Research and News pages.
The Institute is one of more than 80 research institutions operated by the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science, an independent, nonprofit research organization. The Max Planck Institutes carry out basic research in the natural sciences, life sciences, and social and human sciences.
The Institute’s service units provide the necessary infrastructure and offer unparalleled conditions for outstanding research.
Head of Administration is Julian Plenefisch.
Head of Research Planning and Research Coordination is Imke Kruse.