Media Library
Epigenetik: Wenn die Umwelt „unter die Haut“ geht
This is us: Hannes Diemerling
His research focuses on machine emotion recognition. He is developing software that can analyze emotions in audio and video recordings. In our "This is us" format, colleagues share insights into their work and motivation.
Unraveling Behavior Podcast with Dr. Tomás Lejarraga
In this episode, Dr. Ana Sofia Morais is joined by Dr. Tomás Lejarraga, a behavioral scientist working at the intersection of economics and psychology. Together they explore how birth order influences siblings' willingness to take risks. The episode will help listeners understand the complexities of sibling differences and how family environments shape our behavior.
Max Planck School of Cognition at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin
"Hello and Moin" – Questions to Simone Kühn
This is us: Zoe Ngo
In our "This is us" format, colleagues answer questions about their work and their motivation.
Unraveling Behavior with Dr Lisa Oswald
In this episode, Dr. Ana Sofia Morais is joined by Dr. Lisa Oswald, a computational social scientist and expert on public discourse in online environments. They dive into an impactful study she coauthored in the journal Nature Human Behaviour, which examines the complex relationship between digital media and democracy (Lorenz-Spreen, Oswald, Lewandowsky, & Hertwig, 2023).
This is us: Anna Thoma
In our "This is us" format, colleagues answer questions about their work and their motivation.
This is us: Max Jack
In our "This is us" format, colleagues answer questions about their work and their motivation.
This is us: Marwa Kavelaars
In our format "This is us", colleagues answer questions about their work and their motivation.
„Tschüß, bis dann und auf Wiedersehen“ – Questions for Ute Frevert on the occasion of her retirement
Karim Ben Khelifa – Artist in Residence
Learn more about the Artist & AI Residency and Karim Ben Kelifa:
Latest Thinking Video with Kerstin Maria Pahl
How Do Ideas Spread? Kerstin Maria Pahl discusses how an increasing interest in human feelings at the end of the eighteenth century underpinned subsequent efforts to abolish child labor. Employing semantic, sociological, quantitative and qualitative tools to trace philosophical alongside technological developments, Pahl’s interdisciplinary approach provides us with new insight on the “age of sensibility”. Ongoing work will explore the darker side of the prioritization of feelings in relation to missionary expeditions and military practice.
This is us: Soňa Mikulová
In our format “This is us”, colleagues answer questions about their work and their motivation.
Wird die Gesellschaft unfreier?
This is us: Lisa Oswald
In our "This is us" format, colleagues answer questions about their work and their motivation.
This is us: Sarah Power
In our "This is us" format, colleagues answer questions about their work and their motivation.
This is us: Anne-Marie Nussberger
In our "This is us" format, colleagues answer questions about their work and their motivation.
Zurechtfinden in einer komplexen Realität
Nudging: Kennst du diese Psychotricks?
Nudging - wörtlich übersetzt so viel wie “Stupsen“ oder “Anstoßen” - heißt diese mehr oder weniger subtile Strategie, die unsere Gewohnheiten ändern soll – unterbewusst und ohne Regeln oder Verbote.
Mit Prof. Ralph Hertwig vom Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung spricht Thora über Probleme, die Nudging mit sich bringt und zeigt Thora Alternativen.
Latest Thinking Video with Sonja Sudimac
Does going for a walk in a natural environment reduce stress? Sonja Sudimac discusses how walking in urban and natural settings affects the amygdala, a brain region linked to stress, with her study revealing that after a forest walk, amygdala activity decreased, while it remained unchanged after a city walk, highlighting the positive impact of nature walks on mental health—a crucial insight for urban planners and health experts.
Ach, Mensch!-Podcast with Philipp Lorenz-Spreen
Live recording Wolfgang Edelstein Memorial Lecture
Fragile Democracies
Herrenhäuser Gespräch: Confident despite everything?
Yearbook German Unity 2022: Book Premiere
#Ausgelotet: Social transformation: change, but how?
How do Children learn about plants? Podcast with Annie Wertz
How a Historian Came to Stand Up Against Disinformation – Naomi Oreskes
(In)equality of Opportunity, and Mentoring – Armin Falk
What does democracy feel like?
How do swarms organize?
3 minutes future: When will politicians become our friends, Mrs. Frevert?
What does it mean to be "cool"?
3 minutes future: When will we be immune to fake news?
better expose misinformation on the net. (In German)
Love in times of robots and AI
Iyad Rahwan & Christoph Niemann on DLD22
Podcast: On the trail of feelings
Book launch: Click! How we stay in control in a digital world
BR50 Podcast 1: Who are you – human or machine?
Presentation of the Research Data Management Working Group
Democracy in Crisis?
How can behavior be influenced?
What can Artificial Intelligence do?
The History of Emotions. An Italian podcast with Ute Frevert
The podcast "Focus - storiainpodcast" is curated by the Italian historian Leo Goretti.
Virtual panel by German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
Pull yourself together - discipline and obedience in times of Corona
"Close-up" – Classic works retold
Podcast „Ach, Mensch“ ("Only human") with Simone Kühn
How to trust a machine? – Iyad Rahwan at the SocialBRIDGES online conference
The third edition, held April 21-23 2021, was all about the interaction of humans and AI. Iyad Rahwan (MPIB) gave a keynote speech on "How to trust a machine".