Max Planck Dahlem Campus of Cognition (MPDCC)

The Max Planck Dahlem Campus of Cognition (MPDCC) is a core facility of the MPIB. It was established to offer a high-end laboratory infrastructure for cognitive neuroscience research and to become a hub for scientific collaboration and exchange both in Berlin but also nationally and internationally. On 2,700 square meters, the MPDCC provides office space and laboratory facilities for MPIB researchers, integrated Campus research groups, as well as international guests.




At present, the MPDCC houses the following labs:
Charlotte Bühler: magnetic resonance imaging lab (MRI Lab)
Brenda Milner: lab for electroencephalography (EEG) including mobile EEG that can be integrated with virtual reality (VR)
-Dian Fossey: VR lab
- several labs for behavioral testing
- high-performance computing cluster.

Additional labs for robotics, intelligence research, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), as well as a wave-field audio synthesis lab are in planning.

The MPDCC is set to provide an excellent environment for educating and promoting the next generations of leading researchers in cognitive neuroscience and developmental psychology. Hence, it is the Berlin home base for three international PhD programs: The Max Planck School of Cognition, the International Max Planck Research School on Computational Psychiatry and Ageing Research and the International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course.

The MPDCC is organizing a colloquium series, talks, and workshops, forming the basis for a vibrant scientific community with a focus on exchange and collaboration. The research at the MPDCC is facilitated by an experienced lab team supporting neurocognitive study organization, recruitment, and data collection. Additionally, we offer a guest program for international scientists interested in working at the MPDCC for short or longer periods.

MPDCC core groups:

Adaptive Memory and Decision Making (Head: Bernhard Spitzer, MPIB)
MPRG MR Physics (Head: Siawoosh Mohammadi, MPIB)

Mind-Body-Emotion (Head: Michael Gaebler, MPI CBS)
Cognitive Neurosciences of Aging and Memory (Head: Roberto Cabeza, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

Internship at the MPDCC:

The Max Planck Dahlem Campus of Cognition offers puils the opportunity to gain insight into research in cognitive neuroscience.
You will get to know the different groups at the MPDCC as well as the science support service areas of the Max Planck Institute for Human Development.

Internships are usually awarded for 2 weeks.

Please send your application including CV, references and other relevant documents to Laureen Krüger:  
Tel. 030 82406 656, e-mail:


Scientific leadership: Ralph Hertwig, Ulman LindenbergerIyad Rahwan
MPDCC Management: Imke Kruse
MPDCC Coordination: Laureen Krüger

Are you interested in the guest program? Or would you like more information on the research and laboratory infrastructure at the MPDCC? Please contact the MPDCC office:  (Laureen Krüger)

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