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Educated but easily fooled? Who falls for misinformation and why 

Systematic meta-analysis on online misinformation with data from over 11,500 participants in 31 experiments  more

Woman in the bouldering hall

A new review article highlights the untapped potential of behavioral science for public policy    more

How people make life's biggest decisions

New conceptual paper provides insights into transformative life decisions more

Organ donation: Opt-out defaults do not increase donation rates

Longitudinal study examines organ donation rates in five countries that have changed their organ donation default policy from opt-in to opt-out.

Oath against tax evasion

Mega-study investigates how the right wording can lead to more honesty more

A robot is sitting on the floor. He looks at a pumpkin.

Just in time for Halloween: The "Spook the Machine" experiment begins. more

<span><span><span><span><span>How can we make the best possible use of large language models for a smarter and more inclusive society?</span></span> </span></span></span>

New article outlines the ways large language models can help and hurt collective intelligence and proposes recommendations for action more

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