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Colorful word cloud about the topic ice

Participants sought for the citizen science project Small World of Words  more

Simone Kühn heads the new Center for Environmental Neuroscience

Considering climate change and environmental changes, her research is increasingly relevant more

Neurotransmitters are involved in memory aging in different ways  

Study investigates the role of noradrenaline and dopamine in memory loss   more

How and why animals can live alongside humans

New study suggests animals can live alongside humans—if they are risk-analysis experts more

How our brain evaluates options for decision making

In most decision-making situations we need to plan well ahead as values of choice options often change over time. How does our brain manage to make good predictions in such situations and select the best option for the future? Alexander Nitsch and Christian Doeller from the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences (MPI CBS) investigated this together with Nicolas Schuck from the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in their recent study published in Nature Communications.

Inter-Brain Synchronization: "My fascination with the topic continues to this day!" 

Interview with Viktor Müller on the occasion of his retirement more

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