

1961 Hellmut Becker submits his exposé “Plan of an Institute for Educational Research” to the Max Planck Society
1962 The Senate decides on the foundation of an “Institute for Research in the Field of Education in the Max Planck Society”
1963 Hellmut Becker is appointed the Founding Director
1963 Foundation of the “Institute for Educational Research in the Max Planck Society”
1964 Appointment of Friedrich Edding, Dietrich Goldschmidt, and Saul B. Robinsohn as Institute Directors
1971 Change in the  statutes.  The Institute receives the name “Max Planck Institute for Human Development and Education”
1972 Death of Saul B. Robinsohn
1973 Appointment of Wolfgang Edelstein and Peter Martin Roeder
1974 Completion of the new building, Lentzeallee 94, Berlin, Dahlem
1977 Friedrich Edding transitioned to emeritus status
1980 Appointment of Paul B. Baltes
1981 Hellmut Becker transitioned to emeritus status
1982 Change in the  statutes . Establishment of the Research Centers and Collegial Directorship
1982 Dietrich Goldschmidt transitioned to emeritus status
1983 Appointment of Karl Ulrich Mayer
1995 Peter Martin Roeder transitioned to emeritus status
1996 Appointment of Jürgen Baumert
1997 The Institute receives the name “Max Planck Institute for Human Development”
1997 Wolfgang Edelstein transitioned to emeritus status
1997 Appointment of Gerd Gigerenzer
2004 Appointment of Ulman Lindenberger
2006 Death of Paul B. Baltes
2007 Appointment of Ute Frevert
2010 Jürgen Baumert transitioned to emeritus status
2012 Appointment of Ralph Hertwig
2017 Gerd Gigerenzer transitioned to emeritus status
2019 Appointment of Iyad Rahwan
2020 Death of Wolfgang Edelstein
2024 Ute Frevert transitioned to emeritus status
2024 Appointment of Simone Kühn
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