Buchkapitel (29)

Frevert, U. (2016). Empathy in the theatre of horror, or civilizing the human heart. In A. Assmann & I. Detmers (Eds.), Empathy and its limits (pp. 79–99). Palgrave Macmillan.
Frevert, U. (2016). Vom Schutz religiöser Gefühle: Rechtspraxis und -theorie in der Moderne. In H. Landweer & D. Koppelberg (Eds.), Recht und Emotion I: Verkannte Zusammenhänge (pp. 321–347). Karl Alber.
Frevert, U. (2016). Militär und Zivilgesellschaft: Ein schwieriges Verhältnis. In Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (Ed.), Deutsche Verteidigungspolitik: Dossier [Online]. bpb.
Frevert, U. (2016). The history of emotions. In L. Feldman Barrett, M. Lewis, & J. M. Haviland-Jones (Eds.), Handbook of emotions (4th ed., pp. 49–65). The Guilford Press.
Frevert, U. (2016). Von Männerängsten und Frauenwünschen: Geschlechterkämpfe 1850-1950. In F. Krämer (Ed.), Geschlechterkampf: Franz von Stuck bis Frida Kahlo (pp. 30–41). Prestel.
(English translation: Men's fears and women's desires: The battle of the sexes from 1850-1950, pp. 30-41, In: Battle of the sexes: Franz von Stuck to Frida Kahlo, by F. Krämer, Ed., 2016, München: Prestel).
Gammerl, B. (2016). Citizenship and the recognition of cultural multiplicities: Can British or Habsburg policies serve as models for contemporary settings? In M. Z. Abouddhab & H. Reifeld (Eds.), La citoyenneté responsable, inclusive et participative (pp. 9–22). Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.
Kounine, L. (2016). The witch on trial: Narratives of conflict and community in early modern Germany. In S. Cummins & L. Kounine (Eds.), Cultures of conflict resolution in early modern Europe (pp. 229–254). Ashgate.
Kounine, L. (2016). Satanic fury: Depictions of the devil's rage in Nicolas Remy's Daemonolatria. In L. Kounine & M. Ostling (Eds.), Emotions in the history of witchcraft (pp. 57–76). Palgrave Macmillan.
Olsen, S. (2016). Men and the periodical press. In A. Easley, A. King & J. Morton (Eds.), The Routledge handbook to nineteenth-century British periodicals and newspapers (pp. 249–259). Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
Ostling, M., & Kounine, L. (2016). Introduction: 'Unbridled passion': Emotions in the history of witchcraft, witchcraft in the history of emotions. In L. Kounine & M. Ostling (Eds.), Emotions in the history of witchcraft (pp. 1–15). Palgrave Macmillan.
Pernau, M., & Sachsenmaier, D. (2016). History of concepts and global history. In M. Pernau & D. Sachsenmaier (Eds.), Global conceptual history: A reader (pp. 1–27). Bloomsbury Academic.
Rajamani, I. (2016). Pictures, emotions, conceptual change: Anger in popular Hindi cinema. In M. Pernau & D. Sachsenmaier (Eds.), Global conceptual history: A reader (pp. 307–336). Bloomsbury.
Schmidt, A. (2016). From thrifty housewives to shoppers with needs: On a capitalist program of education. In A. Schmidt & C. Conrad (Eds.), Bodies and affects in market societies (pp. 167–187). Mohr Siebeck.
Schmidt, A., & Conrad, C. (2016). The role of emotions in the production of capitalist subjects: An introduction. In A. Schmidt & C. Conrad (Eds.), Bodies and affects in market societies (pp. 1–22). Mohr Siebeck.
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Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Rajamani, I. (2016). Angry young men: Masculinity, citizenship and virtuous emotions in popular Indian cinema [Doktorarbeit, Freie Universität Berlin].

Hochschulschrift - Habilitation (1)

Hochschulschrift - Habilitation
Jensen, U. (2016). Zuviel der Liebe: Die Weltgeschichte der Psychoanalyse in Berlin, London und Kalkutta 1910-1940 [Habilitationsschrift, Freie Universität Berlin].
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