Publikationen von Odette Wegwarth

Zeitschriftenartikel (73)

Abels, W., Konrad, R., Neugebauer, E., Wulkottee, E., Toubekis, E., Piedmont, S., Born, S., Rieck, T., Wegwarth, O., Spies, C., Schlattmann, P., Schwarzkopf, D., & Fleischmann-Struzek, C. (in press). A multimodal information campaign to improve prevention and early detection of sepsis among patient groups at risk: Study protocol of the SepWiss study. PLoS ONE.
Franzen, D., Müller-Birn, C., & Wegwarth, O. (2024). Communicating the privacy-utility trade-off: Supporting informed data donation with privacy decision interfaces for differential privacy. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 8(CSCW1), Article 32.
Giese, H., Neth, H., Wegwarth, O., Gaissmaier, W., & Stok, F. M. (2024). How to convince the vaccine-hesitant? An ease-of-access nudge, but not risk-related information increased Covid vaccination-related behaviors in the unvaccinated. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 16(1), 198–215.
Wegwarth, O., Hertwig, R., Giese, H., & Fineberg, H. V. (2024). The impact of nontransparent health communication during the COVID-19 pandemic on vaccine-hesitant people's perception of vaccines. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, Article 1256829.
Wegwarth, O., Hoffmann, T. C., Goldacre, B., Spies, C., & Giese, H. A. (2024). General practitioners' risk literacy and real-world prescribing of potentially hazardous drugs: A cross-sectional study. BMJ Quality & Safety. Advance online publication.
Born, S., Fleischmann-Struzek, C., Abels, W., Piedmont, S., Neugebauer, E., Reinhart, K., Toubekis, E., Wegwarth, O., & Schwarzkopf, D. (2023). Most patients with an increased risk for sepsis-related morbidity or death do not recognize sepsis as a medical emergency: Results of a survey study using case vignettes. Critical Care, 27, Article 446.
Wegwarth, O. (2023). Die Kommunikation von Risiken in der Onkologie. Die Onkologie, 29, 976–983.
Wegwarth, O., Mansmann, U., Zepp, F., Lühmann, D., Hertwig, R., & Scherer, M. (2023). Vaccination intention following receipt of vaccine information through interactive simulation vs text among COVID-19 vaccine-hesitant adults during the Omicron wave in Germany. JAMA Network Open, 6(2), Article e2256208.
Wegwarth, O., & Scherer, M. (2023). COVID-19-Impfzögerlichkeit: Interaktive Simulationen vs. textbasierte Informationen bei der Risikovermittlung. Zeitschrift für Allgemeinmedizin, 99, 233–234.
COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: Comparing interactive simulations to text-based information in risk communication.
Wilhelm, E., Ballalai, I., Belanger, M.-E., Benjamin, P., Bertrand-Ferrandis, C., Bezbaruah, S., Briand, S., Brooks, I., Bruns, R., Bucci, L. M., Calleja, N., Chiou, H., Devaria, A., Dini, L., D'Souza, H., Dunn, A. G., Eichstaedt, J., Evers, S., Gobat, N., Gissler, M., Gonzales, I. C., Gruzd, A., Hess, S., Ishizumi, A., John, O., Joshi, A., Kaluza, B., Khamis, N., Kosinska, M., Kulkarni, S., Lingri, D., Ludolph, R., Mackey, T., Mandić-Rajčević, S., Menczer, F., Mudaliar, V., Murthy, S., Nazakat, S., Nguyen, T., Nilsen, J., Pallari, E., Pasternak Taschner, N., Petelos, E., Prinstein, M. J., Roozenbeek, J., Schneider, A., Srinivasan, V., Stevanović, A., Strahwald, B., Abdul, S. S., Varaidzo, S. M., van der Linden, S., Voegeli, C., Wardle, C., Wegwarth, O., White, B. K., Willie, E., Yau, B., & Purnat, T. D. (2023). Measuring the burden of infodemics: Summary of the methods and results of the Fifth WHO Infodemic Management Conference. JMIR Infodemiology, 3, Article e44207.

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