Zeitschriftenartikel (47)

Sherbino, J., Dore, K. L., Wood, T. J., Young, M. E., Gaissmaier, W., Kreuger, S., & Norman, G. R. (2012). The relationship between response time and diagnostic accuracy. Academic Medicine, 87(6), 785–791. https://doi.org/10.1097/ACM.0b013e318253acbd
Stevens, A. N. P., & Stevens, J. R. (2012). Animal cognition. Nature Education Knowledge, 3(11), Article 1.
Stevens, J. R., & Mühlhoff, N. (2012). Intertemporal choice in lemurs. Behavioural Processes, 89(1), 121–127. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.beproc.2011.10.002
Volz, K. G., & Gigerenzer, G. (2012). Cognitive processes in decisions under risk are not the same as in decisions under uncertainty. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 6, Article 105. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2012.00105
Wegwarth, O. (2012). Wie steht es um Ihr Statistik-Know-how? Fünfjahres-Überlebensrate. UroForum, (4), 30–31.
Wegwarth, O., Schwartz, L. M., Woloshin, S., Gaissmaier, W., & Gigerenzer, G. (2012). Do physicians understand cancer screening statistics? A national survey of primary care physicians in the United States. Annals of Internal Medicine, 156(5), 340–349. https://doi.org/10.7326/0003-4819-156-5-201203060-00005
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Buch (4)

Brighton, H. J., & Selina, H. (2012). Introducing artificial intelligence: A graphic guide. Icon Books.
Gigerenzer, G., & Gaissmaier, W. (2012). Intuition und Führung: Wie gute Entscheidungen entstehen. Bertelsmann-Stiftung.
Hammerstein, P., & Stevens, J. R. (Eds.). (2012). Evolution and the mechanisms of decision making. MIT Press.
Todd, P. M., Gigerenzer, G., & the ABC Research Group. (2012). Ecological rationality: Intelligence in the world. Oxford University Press.

Buchkapitel (24)

Beier, H. M., Van den Daele, W., Diedrich, K., Dudenhausen, J. W., Felberbaum, R. W., Gigerenzer, G., Gille, G., Habenicht, U.-F., Hinderberger, P., Holzgreve, W., Ledger, W., Nieschlag, E., Ritzinger, P., Taupitz, J., & Te Velde, E. (2012). Medizinische und biologische Aspekte der Fertilität. In G. Stock, H. Betram, A. Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, W. Holzgreve, M. Kohli, & U. M. Staudinger (Eds.), Zukunft mit Kindern: Fertilität und gesellschaftliche Entwicklung in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz (pp. 294–390). Campus Verlag.
Bennis, W., Katsikopoulos, K. V., Goldstein, D. G., Dieckmann, A., & Berg, N. (2012). Designed to fit minds: Institutions and ecological rationality. In P. M. Todd, G. Gigerenzer, & A. B. C. the Research Group, Ecological rationality: Intelligence in the world (pp. 409–427). Oxford University Press.
Bodemer, N., & Gaissmaier, W. (2012). Risk communication in health. In S. Roeser, R. Hillerbrand, P. Sandin, & M. Peterson (Eds.), Handbook of risk theory: Epistemology, decision theory, ethics, and social implications of risk (Vol. 2, pp. 621–660). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-1433-5_24
Brighton, H. J., & Gigerenzer, G. (2012). How heuristics handle uncertainty. In P. M. Todd, G. Gigerenzer, & A. B. C. the Research Group, Ecological rationality: Intelligence in the world (pp. 33–60). Oxford University Press.
Brighton, H. J., & Gigerenzer, G. (2012). Are rational actor models "rational" outside small worlds? In S. Okasha & K. Binmore (Eds.), Evolution and rationality: Decisions, co-operation and strategic behaviour (pp. 84–109). Cambridge University Press.
Brighton, H. J., & Gigerenzer, G. (2012). Homo heuristicus and the bias-variance dilemma. In J. Schulkin (Ed.), Action, perception and the brain: Adaptation and cephalic expression (pp. 68–91). Palgrave Macmillan.
Feufel, M. A., Stahl, S. F., & Lee, S.-Y. (2012). Was Hänschen nicht googelt, findet Hans nimmermehr? Online-Suche im Vergleich der Generationen. In K. Marx & M. Schwarz-Friesel (Eds.), Sprache und Kommunikation im technischen Zeitalter: Wieviel Internet (v)erträgt unsere Gesellschaft? (pp. 166–185). de Gruyter.
Gigerenzer, G. (2012). Risk literacy. In J. Brockman (Ed.), This will make you smarter: New scientific concepts to improve your thinking (pp. 259–261). Harper Perennial.
Gigerenzer, G. (2012). Das andere Ich. In C. Markschies & E. Osterkamp (Eds.), Vademekum der Inspirationsmittel (pp. 40–41). Wallstein.
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