Zeitschriftenartikel (54)

Pachur, T., & Biele, G. (2007). Forecasting from ignorance: The use and usefulness of recognition in lay predictions of sports events. Acta Psychologica, 125(1), 99–116. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actpsy.2006.07.002
Panchanathan, K., & Wilke, A. (2007). Are readers of evolution and human behavior interesting people? A review of Hanna Kokko's modelling for field biologists and other interesting people. Evolution and Human Behavior, 28(6), 448–450. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2007.08.004
Poom, L., Olsson, H., & Börjesson, E. (2007). Dissociations between slant-contrast and reversed slant-contrast. Vision Research, 47(6), 746–754. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2006.12.013
Reimer, T., Hoffrage, U., & Katsikopoulos, K. (2007). Entscheidungsheuristiken in Gruppen. NeuroPsychoEconomics, 2(1), 7–29.
Reimer, T., Kuendig, S., Hoffrage, U., Park, E., & Hinsz, V. (2007). Effects of the information environment on group discussions and decisions in the hidden-profile paradigm. Communication Monographs, 74(1), 1–28.
Reise, H., Visser, S., & Hutchinson, J. M. C. (2007). Mating behaviour in the terrestrial slug Deroceras gorgonium: Is extreme morphology associated with extreme behaviour? Animal Biology, 57(2), 197–215. https://doi.org/10.1163/157075607780378018
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Scheibehenne, B., & Bröder, A. (2007). Predicting Wimbledon 2005 tennis results by mere player name recognition. International Journal of Forecasting, 23(3), 415–426. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijforecast.2007.05.006
Scheibehenne, B., Miesler, L., & Todd, P. M. (2007). Fast and frugal food choices: Uncovering individual decision heuristics. Appetite, 49(3), 578–589. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2007.03.224
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Todd, P. M. (2007). How much information do we need? European Journal of Operational Research, 177(3), 1317–1332. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2005.04.005
Todd, P. M., & Gigerenzer, G. (2007). Environments that make us smart: Ecological rationality. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 16(3), 167–171. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8721.2007.00497.x
Todd, P. M., Penke, L., Fasolo, B., & Lenton, A. P. (2007). Different cognitive processes underlie human mate choices and mate preferences. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104(38), 15011–15016. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0705290104
Wegwarth, O., & Gigerenzer, G. (2007). Vom Risiko, Risiken zu kommunizieren [About the risk to communicate risk]. Therapeutische Umschau, 64(12), 687–692. https://doi.org/10.1024/0040-5930.64.12.687

Buch (2)

Brighton, H., & Selina, H. (2007). Introducing Artificial Intelligence. (R. Appignanesi, Ed.) (2nd ed.). Icon Books.
Gigerenzer, G. (2007). Gut feelings: The intelligence of the unconscious. Viking.
(audio book: Tantor Media, 2007)
(UK edition: Penguin/Allen Lane, 2007)
(German translation: Bauchentscheidungen: Die Intelligenz des Unbewussten und die Macht der Intuition. München: Bertelsmann, 2007)
(Dutch translation: De kracht van je intuitie. Kosmos, 2007)
(ebook: Kindle edition, 2008)
(Spanish translation: Decisiones instintivas: La inteligencia del inconsciente. Barcelona: Ariel, 2008. World Spanish Edition, Ariel, 2018.)
(Croatian translation: Snaga intuicije: Inteligencija nesvjesnog. Algoritam, 2008)
(Italian translation: Decisioni intuitive. Raffaelo Cortina, 2009)
(Polish translation: Intuicja: Intelligencja nieswiadomosci. Prószinsky i S-ka, 2009)
(French translation: La genie de l'intuition. Editions Belfond, 2009)
(Korean translation: Chungrim)
(Brazilian edition: O poder da intuição: O inconsciente dita as melhores decisões. Rio de Janeiro: Best Seller, 2009)
(Turkish translation: BZD Publishers)
(Chinese translations: China Renmin University Press, 2009; Post Wave Publishing Co., 2015; Beijing United Publishing Co., 2016.)
(Taiwanese translations [complex Chinese]: Locus, 2009; Sunrise Press, 2019)
(Bulgarian translation: Iztok-Zapad)
(Romanian translation: Cuertea Veche)
(Portuguese translation: Gradiva)
(Japanese translation: Intershift, 2010)
(Excerpts reprinted in Wer wir sind und wie wir sein könnten, pp. 153-166, by R. Oehler, V. Bernius, & K.-H. Wellmann, Eds., 2008, Freiburg: Herder.)
(Chapter 6 reprinted in Kopf schlägt Bauch? Sind Emotionen ein Erfolgsfaktor?, by B. Felden, Ed., 2011, Berlin: Flying Kiwi Verlag.)
(Chapter 6 reprinted in The beauty of theory: Zur Ästhetik und Affektökonomie von Theorien, pp. 167-175, by J. Küpper, M. Rautzenberg, M. Schaub, & R. Strätling, Eds., 2013, Paderborn: Fink.)
(Excerpts reprinted in Aus den Elfenbeintürmen der Wissenschaft, pp. 187-226, by E. M. Neher, Ed., 2013, Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag.)
(Excerpts reprinted in Texte, Themen und Strukturen, by B. Schurf & A. Wagener, Eds., 2015, Berlin: Cornelsen Schulverlage.)
(Excerpts reprinted in Japanese, Benesse Corporation, 2018.).

Buchkapitel (20)

Fasolo, B., McClelland, G., & Todd, P. M. (2007). Problemi dovuti all'ambiente decisionale. In R. Misuraca, B. Fasolo, & M. Cardaci (Eds.), I processi decisionali: Paradossi, sfide e supporti (pp. 51–68). Il Mulino.
Gigerenzer, G. (2007). Begrenzte Rationalität. In Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Ed.), Risiko: Streitgespräche in den Wissenschaftlichen Sitzungen der Versammlung der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften am 15. Dezember 2006 und am 22. Juni 2007 (pp. 105–111). Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Gigerenzer, G. (2007). Bauchentscheidungen: Weniger ist (manchmal) mehr. In G. Gigerenzer, Bauchentscheidungen: Die Intelligenz des Unbewussten und die Macht der Intuition (pp. 29–48). Bertelsmann.
(Reprinted in Wer wir sind und wie wir sein könnten, pp. 153-166, by R. Oehler, V. Bernius & K. H. Wellmann, Eds., 2008, Freiburg: Herder).
Gigerenzer, G., & Sturm, T. (2007). Tools = theories = data? On some circular dynamics in cognitive science. In M. Ash & T. Sturm (Eds.), Psychology's territories: Historical and contemporary perspectives from different disciplines (pp. 305–342). Erlbaum.
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