Buch (1)

Grundmann, M. (1998). Norm und Konstruktion: Zur Dialektik von Bildungsvererbung und Bildungsaneignung. Leske + Budrich.

Buchkapitel (7)

Gigerenzer, G. (1998). Ecological intelligence: An adaptation for frequencies. In D. D. Cummins & C. Allen (Eds.), The evolution of mind (pp. 9–29). Oxford University Press.
(Reprinted in Psychologische Beiträge, 1997, 39, 107-125)
(Reprinted in Qualitative aspects of decision making, pp. 107-125, by R. W. Scholz & A. C. Zimmer, Eds., 1997, Lengerich: Pabst)
(Translated into Chinese in Journal of Developments in Psychology, 2001, 9, 325-329).
Gigerenzer, G. (1998). Psychological challenges for normative models. In Handbook of defeasible reasoning and uncertainty management systems: Vol. 1. Quantified representation of uncertainty and imprecision (pp. 513–542). Kluwer.
Grundmann, M., Binder, T., Edelstein, W., & Krettenauer, T. (1998). Soziale Krisenerfahrung und die Wahrnehmung sozialer Anomie bei Ost- und Westberliner Jugendlichen: Ergebnisse einer Kohorten- und Längsschnittanalyse. In H. Oswald (Ed.), Sozialisation und Entwicklung in den neuen Bundesländern: Ergebnisse empirischer Längsschnittforschung (pp. 171–198). Juventa.
Keller, M. (1998). Entwicklung soziomoralischer Kognitionen im Kulturvergleich. In Jahrbuch / Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften (Vol. 1998, pp. 724–731). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Krappmann, L. (1998). Sozialisation in der Gruppe der Gleichaltrigen. In K. Hurrelmann (Ed.), Handbuch der Sozialisationsforschung (5th rev. ed., pp. 355–375). Beltz.
Krappmann, L., Schuster, B., & Youniss, J. (1998). Can mothers win? The transformation of mother-daughter relationships in late childhood. In M. Hofer, J. Youniss, & P. Noack (Eds.), Verbal interaction and development in families with adolescents (pp. 11–29). Ablex.
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Konferenzbeitrag (8)

Bullock, S. (1998). A continuous evolutionary simulation model of the attainability of honest signalling equilibria. In C. Adami, R. K. Belew, & H. Kitano (Eds.), Artificial life VI: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Artificial Life (pp. 339–348). MIT Press.
Goldstein, D. G. (1998). Inference from ignorance: The recognition heuristic. In Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 407–411). Erlbaum.
Kurz, E. M. (1998). Representation, agency, and disciplinarity: Calculus experts at work. In Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 585–590). Erlbaum.
Noble, J. (1998). Tough guys don‘t dance: Intention movements and the evolution of signalling in animal contests. In From animals to animats 5: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (pp. 471–476). MIT Press.
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Noble, J. (1998). Tough guys don't dance: Intention movements and the evolution of signalling in animal contests. In B. Pfeifer, B. Blumberg, & J.-A. Meyer (Eds.), From animals to animats 5: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (pp. 471–476). MIT Press.
Waldmann, M. R., & Martignon, L. (1998). Bayesian network models of causal learning. In Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1102–1107). Erlbaum.
Waldmann, M. R., & Martignon, L. (1998). A Bayesian network model of causal learning. In Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1102–1107). Erlbaum.

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (2)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Lages, M. (1998). Bias in visual discrimination and detection [Doktorarbeit, University of Oxford].
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Noble, J. (1998). The evolution of animal communication systems: Questions of function examined through simulation [Doktorarbeit, University of Sussex/UK].

Hochschulschrift - Habilitation (1)

Hochschulschrift - Habilitation
Martignon, L. (1998). Probabilistic inference in brain, mind and machine [Habilitationsschrift, Universität Ulm].

Hochschulschrift - Diplom (1)

Hochschulschrift - Diplom
Malti, T. (1998). Moralische Gefühle, Begründungen und Sozialverhalten in der Kindheit: ein integrativer Ansatz [Diplomarbeit, Freie Universität Berlin].
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