
  • Development of Generalization and Memory Specificity across Childhood


  • COMIC - Charting the Ontogeny of Mnemonic Processes in Childhood
  • COMIC-II - The Process Structure of Memory Abilities in Early and Middle Childhood
  • MEME - Making Early Memory Engrams
  • G-Casa - The development of rule generalization in school-aged children

Selected Publications

Buchberger, E. S., Brandmaier, A. M., Lindenberger, U., Werkle-Bergner, M., & Ngo, C. T. (in press). The process structure of memory abilities in early and middle childhood. Registered Report.

Buchberger, E. S., Joechner, A.-K., Ngo, C. T., Lindenberger, U., Werkle-Bergner, M. Age differences in generalization, memory specificity, and their overnight fate in childhood. Child Development (2024).

Buchberger, E. S., Ngo, C.T., Peikert, A. et al. Estimating statistical power for structural equation models in developmental cognitive science: A tutorial in R. Behav Res (2024).


  • 2023 Dr. rer. nat. (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
  • 2020-2023 Fellow of the International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course
  • 2019 MSc Psychology (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)
  • 2017 BSc Psychology (Universität Bielefeld)
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