
  • Einflussoperationen und Coordiniertes unauthentisches Verhalten
  • Open-Source-Intelligence und Plattformtransparenz
  • Falschinformation/Desinformation/Malinformation
  • Ethik und Governance der Künstlichen Intelligenz
  • Crowdsourcing und Soziale Mobilisierung
  • Spieltheorie und Anreizarchitektur


  • Research Assistant bei MIT Media Lab (mit Scalable Cooperation Gruppe)
  • Research Engineer bei Masdar Institute of Science and Technology (mit Smart Tech for EVs and Automotive Systems Lab; Social Computing and Artificial Intelligence Lab; und Interactive Artificial Intelligence Lab)
  • “Digital Sherlocks” Mitglied der OSINT-Ermittler-Community bei Digital Forensics Research Lab
  • Master of Science (Media Arts and Sciences — Computergestützte Sozialwissenschaften) bei Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Master of Science (Informatics — Knowledge and Data Management) bei British University in Dubai (in Zusammenarbeit mit School of Informatics bei University of Edinburgh)
  • Global Masters in Business Administration (Information Technology Management) bei S.P. Jain Centre of Management (mit Post-Graduate Diploma in Management aus S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research)
  • Bachelor of Science (Computer Information Systems, Nebenfach Circuits and Systems) bei Illinois Institute of Technology

Ausgewählte Publikationen

  • Awad, E., Dsouza, S. et al. (2020) Universals and variations in moral decisions made in 42 countries by 70,000. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
  • Awad, E., Dsouza, S. et al.  (2018) The Moral Machine experiment. Nature.
  • Awad, E., Levine, S., Kleiman-Weiner, M., Dsouza, S. et al. (2019) Drivers are blamed more than their automated cars when both make mistakes. Nature Human Behaviour.
  • Dsouza, S. et al. (2013) Reasoning about goal revelation in human negotiation. IEEE Intelligent Systems.
  • Rahwan, I., Dsouza, S. et al. (2013) Global Manhunt Pushes the Limits of Social Mobilization. Computer.
  • Rutherford, A., Cebrian, M., Dsouza, S. et al. (2013) Limits of Social Mobilization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
  • Rutherford, A., Cebrian, M., Rahwan, I., Dsouza, S. et al.  (2013) Targeted Social Mobilization in a Global Manhunt. PLoS ONE.
  • Wilhelm, E., Siegel, J., Mayer, S., Sadamori, L., Dsouza, S. et al. (2015) Cloudthink: a scalable secure platform for mirroring transportation systems in the cloud. Transport.

Finding and Losing The Plot: Qatar to Southport (2024-11-19 MPIB Berlin seminar)

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