- (Human and animal) Foraging behaviour
- Cooperation
- Social Decision Making
- 2023-present: Postdoctoral Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Human Development
- 2021-2023: Senior Editor, Sovon Center for Field Ornithology
- 2015-2020: PhD, University of Antwerp
- 2014: Research Assistant, University of Oxford
- 2011-2013: MSc Biological Sciences, University of Amsterdam
- 2007-2011: BSc Biology, University of Groningen
Kempton J, Wynn J, Bond S, Evry J, Fayet A, Gillies N, Guilford N, Kavelaars MM, Juarez-Martinez I, Padget O, Rutz C, Shoji A, Syposz M & Taylor G (2022). Optimization of dynamic soaring in a flap-gliding seabird affects its large-scale distribution at sea. Science Advances 8, 22: eabo0200.
Kavelaars MM, Baert JM, Van Malderen J, Stienen E, Shamoun-Baranes J, Lens L, Müller W (2021). Simultaneous GPS-tracking of parents reveals a similar parental investment within pairs, but no immediate co-adjustment on a trip-to-trip basis. Movement Ecology 9, 42.
Lopez-Antia A, Kavelaars MM, Müller W, Bervoets L, & Eens M (2021). Understanding PFAAs exposure in a generalist seabird species breeding in the vicinity of a fluorochemical plant: Influence of maternal transfer and diet. Environmental Pollution 271, 116355.
Kavelaars MM, Baert JM, Stienen E, Shamoun-Baranes J, Lens L, Müller W (2020). Breeding habitat loss reveals limited foraging flexibility and increases foraging effort in a colonial breeding seabird. Movement Ecology 8, 45.
Kavelaars MM, Lens L, Müller W (2019). Sharing the burden: on the division of parental care and vocalizations during incubation. Behavioral Ecology 30, 4:1062–1068.
Kavelaars MM, Stienen E, Matheve H, Buijs R-J, Lens L, Müller W (2018). GPS tracking during parental care does not affect early offspring development in lesser black-backed gulls. Marine Biology 165, 5:1–8.
Baert JM, Stienen EWM, Heylen B, Kavelaars MM, Buys R-J, Shamoun-Baranes J, Lens L, Müller W. (2018). High-resolution GPS tracking reveals sex differences in migratory behaviour and stopover habitat use in the Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus. Scientific Reports:1–11.
Padget O, Bond SL, Kavelaars MM, van Loon E, Bolton M, Fayet AL, Syposz M, Roberts S, Guilford T (2018). In Situ Clock Shift Reveals that the Sun Compass Contributes to Orientation in a Pelagic Seabird. Current Biology:1–5.
Oudman T, Bijleveld AI, Kavelaars MM, Dekinga A, Cluderay J, Piersma T, van Gils JA (2016). Diet preferences as the cause of individual differences rather than the consequence. Journal of Animal Ecology 85:1378–1388.
Stienen EWM, Desmet P, Aelterman B, Courtens W, Feys S, Vanermen N, Verstraete H, Van de Walle M, Deneudt K, Hernandez F, Houthoofdt R, Vanhoorne B, Bouten W, Buijs R-J, Kavelaars MM, Müller W, Herman D, Matheve H, Sotillo A, Lens L (2016). GPS tracking data of Lesser Black-backed Gulls and Herring Gulls breeding at the southern North Sea coast. Zookeys 555:115–124.