
  • Search and choice processes in transformative life decisions, especially:
    • emigrating or fleeing a country
    • career decisions
    • trauma resolution (e.g., whether to disclose a sexual assault)
    • decisions involving deliberate ignorance (e.g., whether to undergo genetic testing)
    • ideologically motivated decisions (e.g., whether to demonstrate against a totalitarian regime, whether to join a terror organization)
  • Decision making under conditions of radical uncertainty and lack of experience-based knowledge (e.g., AI-driven societal transformation, extreme weather events)
  • Social-learning strategies
  • Natural language processing (NLP), especially classification algorithms
  • Adaptive and maladaptive beliefs
  • Philosophy of science, especially explanation in the cognitive sciences


Feel free to reach out to receive the two unpublished conceptual manuscripts!
Hechtlinger, S.
, Schulze, C., Leuker, C., & Hertwig, R. (under review). The psychology of life's most important decisions. Manuscript under review in American Psychologist.

Burton, J.W., Lopez-Lopez, E., Hechtlinger, S., ..., & Hertwig, R. (accepted). How large language models can reshape collective intelligence. Manuscript accepted at Nature Human Behavior.

Leuker, C., Eggeling, L. M., Fleischhut, N., Gubernath, J., Gumenik, K., Hechtlinger, S., Kozyreva, A., Samaan, L., & Hertwig, R. (2022). Misinformation in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional survey on citizens’ perceptions and individual differences in the belief in false information. European Journal of Health Communication, 3(2), 13-39.

Hechtlinger , S., & Gati, I. (2021). Gender differences in dysfunctional career decision-making beliefs and work orientations. Studies in Regulations, 3: Special issue on Employment and Gender, 35-47. (in Hebrew)

Leuker, C., Hertwig, R., Gumenik, K., Eggeling, L. M., Hechtlinger, S., Kozyreva, A., Samaan, L., & Fleischhut, N. (2020). Wie informiert sich die Bevölkerung in Deutschland rund um das Coronavirus? Umfrage zu vorherrschenden Themen und Gründen, dem Umgang mit Fehlinformationen, sowie der Risikowahrnehmung und dem Wissen der Bevölkerung rund um das Coronavirus. Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung. 

Hechtlinger, S., & Gati, I. (2019). Reducing dysfunctional career decision-making beliefs: Gender differences in the effectiveness of a group intervention. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 66(4), 449–460.

Hechtlinger, S., Levin, N., & Gati, I. (2019). Dysfunctional career decision-making beliefs: A multidimensional model and measure. Journal of Career Assessment, 27(2), 209–229.

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