Seminar: Cultural Data Analytics meets Humans & Machines

  • Datum: 01.12.2022
  • Uhrzeit: 15:00
  • Vortragender: Maximilian Schich, Tallinn University
  • Ort: Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung, Lentzeallee 94, 14195 Berlin
  • Raum: Großer Sitzungssaal
  • Gastgeber: Forschungsbereich Mensch und Maschine
Seminar: Cultural Data Analytics meets Humans & Machines


Maximilian Schich, Tallinn University

Cultural Data Analytics meets Humans & Machines
Cultural Data Analytics is a an emerging field of multidisciplinary science, which brings together a full spectrum of disciplines to make sense of cultural production, interaction, and dynamics. Similar to complexity science, network science, computational social science, and systems biology, the field aims to integrate yet also transcend the scope of the more specific constituting disciplines. Cultural Data Analytics consciously bridges the two worlds of humanities and natural science. Differing from more pure social science, the starting point, substance, and focus of Cultural Data Analytics lies on tangible and intangible cultural products, including mixtures of texts, images, audiovisual media, etc. Machine Learning is conspicuous within Cultural Data Analytics, both as a method and a subject of analysis itself. The latent spaces, which constituted in the process of machine learning, for example, are understood as cultural products themselves, begging questions regarding their topology, dynamics, and their bias. The aim of this seminar is to spark a discussion, ideally feeding into future collaborations via introducing projects, preliminary results, and questions. which have become salient within CUDAN research group at Tallinn University, i.e. a five-year ERA Chair project, funded by the European Commission.

Maximilian Schich is a multidisciplinary scientist who collaborates towards a systematic understanding of art and culture, using critical and creative aesthetics, qualitative inquiry, quantitative measurement, and computation. Max's background includes a PhD in art history plus postdoctoral expertise in network science and computational social science. Currently, Max is a Professor and chair holder of the CUDAN ERA Chair project for Cultural Data Analytics at Tallinn University, which brings together fellows from broad range of disciplines (see

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