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Journal Article (875)

Journal Article
Abels, C. M., Huttunen, K. J. A., Hertwig, R., & Lewandowsky, S. (in press). Dodging the autocratic bullet: Enlisting behavioural science to arrest democratic backsliding. Behavioural Public Policy.
Journal Article
Abels, W., Reinhardt, K., Neugebauer, E., Wulkotte, E., Toubekis, E., Piedmont, S., Born, S., Rieck, T., Wegwarth, O., Spies, C., Schlattmann, P., Schwarzkopf, D., & Fleischmann-Struzek, C. (2024). Improving prevention and early detection of sepsis among patient groups at risk: Introducing a model for a multimodal information campaign. The SepWiss study protocol. PLoS ONE, 19(7), Article e0305107.
Journal Article
Anand, S., Visser, A., Epstein, J. B., & Jalovcic, D. (2024). Necessity and influencing factors for integrating oral health in cancer care for older people: A narrative review. Supportive Care in Cancer, 32, Article 461.
Journal Article
Barrera-Lemarchand, F., Balenzuela, P., Bahrami, B., Deroy, O., & Navajas, J. (2024). Promoting erroneous divergent opinions increases the wisdom of crowds. Psychological Science, 35(8), 872–886.
Journal Article
Blanchard, M. D., Herzog, S. M., Kämmer, J. E., Zöller, N., Kostopoulou, O., & Kurvers, R. H. J. M. (2024). Collective intelligence increases diagnostic accuracy in a general practice setting. Medical Decision Making, 44(4), 451–462.
Journal Article
Bolenz, F., & Pachur, T. (2024). Older adults select different but not simpler strategies than younger adults in risky choice. PLoS Computational Biology, 20(6), Article e1012204.
Journal Article
Breen, A. J., & Deffner, D. (2024). Risk-sensitive learning is a winning strategy for leading an urban invasion. eLife, 12, Article RP89315.
Journal Article
Burton, J. W., Lopez-Lopez, E., Hechtlinger, S., Rahwan, Z., Aeschbach, S., Bakker, M. A., Becker, J. A., Berditchevskaia, A., Berger, J., Brinkmann, L., Flek, L., Herzog, S. M., Huang, S., Kapoor, S., Narayanan, A., Nussberger, A.-M., Yasseri, T., Nickl, P., Almaatouq, A., Hahn, U., Kurvers, R. H. J. M., Leavy, S., Rahwan, I., Siddarth, D., Siu, A., Woolley, A. W., Wulff, D. U., & Hertwig, R. (2024). How large language models can reshape collective intelligence. Nature Human Behaviour, 8, 1643–1655.
Journal Article
Cho, J., Cokely, E. T., Ramasubramanian, M., Allan, J. N., Feltz, A., & Garcia-Retamero, R. (2024). Numeracy does not polarize climate change judgments: Numerate people are more knowledgeable and knowledge is power. Decision, 11(2), 320–344.
Journal Article
Clarmann von Clarenau, V., Appelhoff, S., Pachur, T., & Spitzer, B. (2024). Over- and underweighting of extreme values in decisions from sequential samples. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 153(3), 814–826.
Journal Article
Conjeaud, I., Lorenz-Spreen, P., & Kalogeratos, A. (2024). DeGroot-based opinion formation under a global steering mechanism. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 11(3), 4040–4057.
Journal Article
Dallacker, M., Appelius, L., Brandmaier, A. M., Morais, A. S., & Hertwig, R. (2024). Opt-out defaults do not increase organ donation rates. Public Health, 236, 436–440.
Journal Article
Dau, P. H., Rumpel, M., & Wegwarth, O. (2024). Krebsfrüherkennungen: Die Kommunikation von Nutzen und Schaden. InFo Hämatologie + Onkologie, 27(9), 10–13.
Journal Article
de Groot, E. C. S., Hofmans, L., & van den Bos, W. (2024). Brain structure correlates of social information use: An exploratory machine learning approach. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 18, Article 1383630.
Journal Article
Deffner, D., Mezey, D., Kahl, B., Schakowski, A., Romanczuk, P., Wu, C. M., & Kurvers, R. H. J. M. (2024). Collective incentives reduce over-exploitation of social information in unconstrained human groups. Nature Communications, 15, Article 2683.
Journal Article
Dolan, P., Krekel, C., & Swanke, S. (2024). Affective paternalism. Behavioural Public Policy. Advance online publication.
Journal Article
Dries, C., McDowell, M., Rebitschek, F. G., & Leuker, C. (2024). When evidence changes: Communicating uncertainty protects against a loss of trust. Public Understanding of Science, 33(6), 777–794.
Journal Article
Emmer, C., Dorn, J., & Mata, J. (2024). The immediate effect of discrimination on mental health: A meta-analytic review of the causal evidence. Psychological Bulletin, 150(3), 215–252.
Journal Article
Fischer, O., Jeitziner, L. T., & Wulff, D. U. (2024). Affect in science communication: A data-driven analysis of TED Talks on YouTube. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11, Article 80.
Journal Article
Franzen, D., Müller-Birn, C., & Wegwarth, O. (2024). Communicating the privacy-utility trade-off: Supporting informed data donation with privacy decision interfaces for differential privacy. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 8(CSCW1), Article 32.
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