Journal Article (222)

Journal Article
Little, T. D., Miyashita, T., Karasawa, M., Mashima, M., Oettingen, G., Azuma, H., & Baltes, P. B. (2003). The links among action-control beliefs, intellective skill, and school performance in Japanese, US, and German school children. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 27(1), 41–48.
Journal Article
Singer, T., Lindenberger, U., & Baltes, P. B. (2003). Plasticity of memory for new learning in very old age: A story of major loss? Psychology and Aging, 18(2), 306–317.
Journal Article
Singer, T., Verhaeghen, P., Ghisletta, P., Lindenberger, U., & Baltes, P. B. (2003). The fate of cognition in very old age: Six-year longitudinal findings in the Berlin Aging Study (BASE). Psychology and Aging, 18(2), 318–331.
Journal Article
Baltes, P. B. (2002). Altern hat Zukunft: Unsere Gesellschaft kommt in die Jahre, frönt aber dem Jugendkult - und verpasst eine Chance. Die ZEIT, 13–13.
Journal Article
Baltes, P. B. (2002). Fehlen uns die Alten in der Politik? Eine Polemik zur Schließung der FU-Medizin. Berliner Zeitung, 19, Article 6 February 2002.
Journal Article
Baltes, P. B. (2002). Das Zeitalter des permanent unfertigen Menschen: Lebenslanges Lernen verlangt einen Wechsel von sequenzierten zu parallelisierten Bildungsverläufen. Personalführung, 6, 24–32.
Journal Article
Böhmig-Krumhaar, S. A., Staudinger, U. M., & Baltes, P. B. (2002). Mehr Toleranz tut Not: Läßt sich wert-relativierendes Wissen und Urteilen mit Hilfe einer wissensaktivierenden Gedächtnisstrategie verbessern? Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 34(1), 30–43.
Journal Article
Freund, A. M., & Baltes, P. B. (2002). The adaptiveness of selection, optimization, and compensation as strategies of life management: Evidence from a preference study on proverbs. The Journals of Gerontology: B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 57B(5), P426–P434.
Journal Article
Freund, A. M., & Baltes, P. B. (2002). Life-management strategies of selection, optimization, and compensation: Measurement by self-report and construct validity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 82(4), 642–662.
Journal Article
Lindenberger, U., Singer, T., & Baltes, P. B. (2002). Longitudinal selectivity in aging populations: Separating mortality-associated versus experimental components in the Berlin Aging Study (BASE). The Journals of Gerontology: B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 57B(6), 474–482.
Journal Article
Smith, J., Maas, I., Mayer, K. U., Helmchen, H., Steinhagen-Thiessen, E., & Baltes, P. B. (2002). Two-wave longitudinal findings from the Berlin Aging Study: Introduction to a collection of articles. The Journals of Gerontology: B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 57B(6), P471–P473.
Journal Article
Wiese, B. S., Freund, A. M., & Baltes, P. B. (2002). Subjective career success and emotional well-being: Longitudinal predictive power of selection, optimization, and compensation. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 60(3), 321–335.
Journal Article
Baltes, P. B. (2001). Das Zeitalter des permanent unfertigen Menschen: Lebenslanges Lernen nonstop? Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 51(B36), 24–32.
Journal Article
Baltes, P. B. (2001). Der unfertige Mensch. Impact, 1(3), 1–4.
Journal Article
Baltes, P. B. (2001). Boesch at 85 on cultural psychology: Foreword. Culture and Psychology, 7(4), 477–478.
Journal Article
Baltes, P. B., & Singer, T. (2001). Plasticity and the ageing mind: An exemplar of the bio-cultural orchestration of brain and behaviour. European Review, 9(1), 59–76.
Journal Article
Li, K. Z. H., Lindenberger, U., Freund, A. M., & Baltes, P. B. (2001). Walking while memorizing: Age-related differences in compensatory behavior. Psychological Science, 12(3), 230–237.
Journal Article
Li, S.-C., Aggen, S. H., Nesselroade, J. R., & Baltes, P. B. (2001). Short-term fluctuations in elderly people's sensorimotor functioning predict text and spatial memory perfomance: The MacArthur successful aging studies. Gerontology, 47(2), 100–116.
Journal Article
Lindenberger, U., Scherer, H., & Baltes, P. B. (2001). The strong connection between sensory and cognitive performance in old age: Not due to sensory acuity reductions operating during cognitive assessment. Psychology and Aging, 16(2), 196–205.
Journal Article
Little, T. D., Lopez, D. F., Oettingen, G., & Baltes, P. B. (2001). A comparative-longitudinal study of action-control beliefs and school performance: On the role of context. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 25(3), 237–245.
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