Publications of Annie E. Wertz

Journal Article (21)

Journal Article
Wertz, A. E., & Wynn, K. (2014). Selective social learning of plant edibility in 6- and 18-month-old infants. Psychological Science, 25(4), 874–882.

Thesis - PhD (3)

Thesis - PhD
Russell, C. J. S. (2022). Error management in learning and generalisation: The domain of food [PhD Thesis, Freie Universität Berlin].
Thesis - PhD
Schlegelmilch, K. (2021). Grass or gravel? Influences on the visual categorization of naturalistic structures in infancy and early childhood [PhD Thesis, Universität Potsdam].
Thesis - PhD
Wlodarczyk, A. (2019). Response to naturalistic threats in infancy [PhD Thesis, Freie Universität Berlin].

Thesis - Master (6)

Thesis - Master
Vidal Orga, B. (2020). The role of social information in non-human great apes' behavioral responses to plants [Master's Thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin].
Thesis - Master
Wright, C. (2019). A preliminary analysis exploring young children’s touch behavior towards plants in a naturalistic garden setting [Master's Thesis, Universität Potsdam].
Thesis - Master
Dähmlow, M. (2018). How does your garden grow? How children learn about their natural environment [Master's Thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin].
Thesis - Master
Gerdemann, S. (2018). Categorization of plants and novel artifacts in infancy [Master's Thesis, Universität Leipzig].
Thesis - Master
Brenner, M. (2017). Die Erfassung antizipatorischer Blickbewegungen als Maß der Kategorisierungsfähigkeiten im frühen Kindesalter [Master's Thesis, Universität Potsdam].
Thesis - Master
De Simone, C. (2017). Gesture imitation in a naturalistic context [Master's Thesis, MSB Medical School Berlin].

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