Julian Berger awarded with a Fellowship of the Joachim Herz Stiftung 

Fellowship supports research on economic topics with high social relevance 

January 27, 2025

Julian Berger, Predoctoral Fellow at the Center for Adaptive Rationality, has been awarded the "Add-on Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Economics" by the Joachim Herz Foundation. 

Julian Berger will use the funding to investigate how transparent algorithms can help consumers better understand and influence their credit scores. A good credit score is crucial for economic participation and influences important life events such as renting an apartment or taking out a home loan. When consumers understand how their score works, they can take action to achieve their financial goals. 

With its "Add-on Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Economics", the Joachim Herz Foundation supports young academics who are working on economic topics with high social relevance. Over a period of two years, the fellows are supported with an amount of up to 12,500 Euro. 

For more information, see the program website of the Joachim Herz Foundation. 

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