Seminar: Three Experiments in Dyadic Collaboration among Humans and Machines
- Date: Dec 5, 2023
- Time: 03:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Taha Yasseri, University College Dublin
- Location: Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Lentzeallee 94, 14195 Berlin
- Room: 316
- Host: Center for Humans and Machines
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Taha Yasseri, University College Dublin
Three Experiments in Dyadic Collaboration among Humans and Machines
In this presentation, we present findings from three behavioral experiments that focus on dyadic interactions in both human-human and human-machine groups. Dyadic interactions, which form the foundation of our collective intelligence, have been a relatively underexplored area of study. Moreover, when it comes to collaboration with intelligent machines, the impact of hybrid team members' characteristics on their collaborative efforts remains largely unexamined. Our three experiments cover a range of collaboration types, from tasks in near-field experimental settings to highly stylized collaborative games. We investigate various attributes of team members, including their levels of experience, gender, and political tendencies, as well as how the communication of this information within the dyad influences the efficiency and accuracy of the team's performance.
View the attached paper here.
Taha Yasseri is a Professor at the School of Sociology and a Geary Fellow at the Geary Institute for Public Policy at University College Dublin, Ireland. Formerly, he was a Senior Research Fellow in Computational Social Science at the University of Oxford, a Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, and a Research Fellow in Humanities and Social Sciences at Wolfson College. Taha Yasseri has a PhD in Complex Systems Physics from the University of Göttingen, Germany. He has interests in analysis of large-scale transactional data and conducting behavioural experiments to understand human dynamics, machines’ social behaviour, government-society interactions, online political behaviour, mass collaboration and collective intelligence, information and opinion dynamics, hate speech and content moderation, collective behaviour, and online dating.
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