Journal Article (28)

Journal Article
Pernau, M., & Tremblay, S. (2020). Dealing with an ocean of meaninglessness: Reinhart Koselleck’s lava memories and conceptual history. Contributions to the History of Concepts, 15(2), 7–28.
Journal Article
Pisu, S., Scott-Smith, G., Zhuk, S. I., Lee, S., Chakrabarti, G., Babiracki, P., & Moine, C. (2020). Reframing the cultural cold war: 20 years after Stonor Saunders’ case. Contemporanea: Rivista di Storia dell'800 e del '900, (3), 433–475.
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Schaper, U., Beljan, M., Eitler, P., Ewing, C., & Gammerl, B. (2020). Sexotic: The interplay between sexualization and exoticization. Sexualities, 23(1-2), 114–126.
Journal Article
Schnädelbach, S. (2020). Bad vibes: Images of communication, emotional balance and health in East German television, 1970s-1980s. VIEW: Journal of European Television History and Culture, 9(18), 97–111.
Journal Article
Turner, T. D. (2020). Music and trance as methods for engaging with suffering. Ethos, 48(1), 74–92.
Journal Article
Turner, T. D. (2020). Affective temporalities of presence and absence: Musical haunting and embodied political histories in an Algerian religious community. Culture, Theory and Critique, 61(2-3), 169–186.
Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Book (1)

Bonah, C., & Laukötter, A. (Eds.). (2020). Body, capital, and screens: Visual media and the healthy self in the 20th century. Amsterdam University Press.

Book Chapter (21)

Book Chapter
Bonah, C., & Laukötter, A. (2020). Visual media and the healthy self in the 20th century: An introduction. In C. Bonah & A. Laukötter (Eds.), Body, capital, and screens: Visual media and the healthy self in the 20th century (pp. 13–39). Amsterdam University Press.
Book Chapter
Brauer, J. (2020). Zwischen Erziehung, Manipulation und Unterhaltung: Kinderlieder in Geschichte und Gegenwart. In F. Reininghaus, J. Kemp, & A. Ziane (Eds.), Musik und Gesellschaft: Marktplätze - Kampfzonen - Elysium: Vol. 1. 1000-1839: Von den Kreuzzügen bis zur Romantik (pp. 524–526). Königshausen & Neumann.
Book Chapter
Brauer, J. (2020). "Brüder, zur Sonne, zur Freiheit!": Das Arbeiterlied. In F. Reininghaus, J. Kemp, & A. Ziane (Eds.), Musik und Gesellschaft: Marktplätze - Kampfzonen - Elysium: Vol. 2. 1840-2020: Vom Vormärz bis zur Gegenwart (pp. 116–119). Königshausen & Neumann.
Book Chapter
Brauer, J., & Lücke, M. (2020). Emotion. In V. Agnew, J. Lamb, & J. Tomann (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of reenactment studies readers: Key terms in the field (pp. 53–56). Routledge.
Book Chapter
Dandekar, D. (2020). Muslim-Marathi pilgrimage: The Sufi-shrine of Viśālgaḍh. In C. Bergmann & J. Schaflechner (Eds.), Ritual journeys in South Asia: Constellations and contestations of mobility and space (pp. 181–196). Routledge.
Book Chapter
Dandekar, D. (2020). A genealogy of Muslim feminism in Maharashtra: Systems and violence. In J. Atwal & I. Flessenkämper (Eds.), Gender and violence in historical and contemporary perspectives: Situating India (pp. 153–168). Routledge.
Book Chapter
Frevert, U. (2020). Gender orders and disorders. In J. Breuilly (Ed.), Nineteenth-century Germany: Politics, culture and society 1780-1918 (2nd ed., pp. 279–304). Bloomsbury Academic.
Book Chapter
Frevert, U. (2020). Die Macht der Scham. In B. Rendtorff, C. Mahs, & A.-D. Warmuth (Eds.), Geschlechterverwirrungen: Was wir wissen, was wir glauben und was nicht stimmt (pp. 179–186). Campus.
Book Chapter
Frevert, U. (2020). Emotions in times of war: Private and public, individual and collective. In C. Langhamer, L. Noakes, & C. Siebrecht (Eds.), Total war: An emotional history (pp. 21–39). Oxford University Press.
Book Chapter
Frevert, U. (2020). The emotional language of flowers. In D. Hillard, H. Lempa, & R. Spinney (Eds.), Feelings materialized: Emotions, bodies, and things in Germany, 1500-1950 (pp. 202–221). Berghahn.
Book Chapter
Frevert, U. (2020). Corona-Gefühle. In B. Kortmann & G. G. Schulze (Eds.), Jenseits von Corona: Unsere Welt nach der Pandemie. Perspektiven aus der Wissenschaft (pp. 13–20). transcript.
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