History of Emotions - Publications

Journal Article (13)

Journal Article
Frevert, U. (2022). Misstrauen in Diktatur und Demokratie: Schlaglichter auf das 20. Jahrhundert. WestEnd, 19(2), 107–120.
Journal Article
Frevert, U. (2022). Ute Frevert (Teil 5): Wie findet und formuliert man eine gute historische Frage? Zeitgeschichte online, December 19, 2022, https://zeitgeschichte-online.de/themen/ute-frevert-teil-5-wie-findet-und-formuliert-man-eine-gute-historische-frage.
Journal Article
Gadzinski, G., Schuller, M., & Mousavi, S. (2022). Long-lasting heuristics principles for efficient investment decisions. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, 14(4), 570–583. https://doi.org/10.1108/QRFM-04-2021-0072
Journal Article
Jack, M. (2022). What’s the crowd got to do with it? On fandom and antifascist action at Eis Hockey Club Dynamo Berlin. TDR, 66(3), 133–148. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1054204322000351
Journal Article
Malone, H. (2022). The fallen soldier as fascist exemplar: Military cemeteries and dead heroes in Mussolini's Italy. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 64(1), 34–62. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0010417521000384
Journal Article
Mousavi, S., & Sunder, S. (2022). Emergence and embodiment in economic modeling. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Article 814844. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.814844
Journal Article
Pahl, K. M. (2022). De l’insensibilité à l’anesthésie: Indifférence, indolence et "défaut de sentiment" au XVIIIe siècle. Sensibilités, 1(11), 13–25. https://doi.org/10.3917/sensi.011.0013
Journal Article
Pahl, K. M. (2022). A feel of politics: When the history of emotions meets political iconography. Kritische Berichte: Zeitschrift für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften, 50(3), 9–16.
Journal Article
Schröer, F. (2022). Resistance and suffering: Shared emotions in the early Tibetan diaspora in India. The Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, 40(2), 28–54. https://doi.org/10.22439/cjas.v40i2.6746
Journal Article
Toyota, M. (2022). Shut-in abroad: Social incapacitation among low-income male Japanese retirees in Thailand. American Behavioral Scientist, 66(14), 1896–1911. https://doi.org/10.1177/00027642221075259
Journal Article
Toyota, M. (2022). Kodokushi: Einsame Tode in Japan. Berliner Debatte Initial, 33(1), 101–109.
Journal Article
Turner, T. D. (2022). Hausa songs in Algeria: Sounds of trans-Saharan continuity and rupture. The Journal of North African Studies, 27(5), 998–1026. https://doi.org/10.1080/13629387.2021.1898225
Journal Article
Zohar, E. (2022). Feeling communists: Communism, emotions, and gender in interwar Polish Jewry. Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, 21(1), 38–56. https://doi.org/10.1080/14725886.2020.1846271

Book (2)

Boddice, R., & Hitzer, B. (Eds.). (2022). Feeling dis-ease in modern history: Experiencing medicine and illness. Bloomsbury Academic.
Hitzer, B., & Stuchtey, B. (Eds.). (2022). In unsere Mitte genommen: Adoption im 20. Jahrhundert. Wallstein Verlag.

Book Chapter (25)

Book Chapter
Ahner, H. (2022). Kultur ist Technik: Technik als produktives Rätsel der Empirischen Kulturwissenschaft. In Ludwig-Uhland-Institut (Ed.), Kultur ist: Beiträge der Empirischen Kulturwissenschaft in Tübingen (pp. 85–102). Tübinger Vereinigung für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft e. V.
Book Chapter
Amico, M. (2022). Feeling political through the radio: President Roosevelt’s fireside chats, 1933-1944. In U. Frevert, K. M. Pahl, F. Buscemi, P. Nielsen, A. Arndt, M. Amico, K. Lichau, H. Malone, J. Wambach, J. Brauer, & C. Moine, Feeling political: Emotions and institutions since 1789 (pp. 159–187). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-89858-8_6
Book Chapter
Arndt, A. (2022). Feeling political through law: The emergence of an international criminal jurisdiction, 1899-2019. In U. Frevert, K. Pahl, F. Buscemi, P. Nielsen, A. Arndt, M. Amico, K. Lichau, H. Malone, J. Wambach, J. Brauer, & C. Moine, Feeling political: Emotions and institutions since 1789 (pp. 91–119). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-89858-8_4
Book Chapter
Arndt, A. (2022). Zivilgesellschaft als Treiber der Kotransformation? Ein intellektuelles Konzept und seine politischen Implikationen. In M. Böick, C. Goschler, & R. Jessen (Eds.), Jahrbuch Deutsche Einheit 2022 (pp. 37–51). Ch. Links.
Book Chapter
Barua, R. (2022). Negotiating deindustrialization: Emotions and Ahmedabad's textile workers. In A. Arnold-Forster & A. Moulds (Eds.), Feelings and work in modern history: Emotional labour and emotions about labour (pp. 76–95). Bloomsbury Academic.
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