Journal Article (54)

Journal Article
Pachur, T., & Biele, G. (2007). Forecasting from ignorance: The use and usefulness of recognition in lay predictions of sports events. Acta Psychologica, 125(1), 99–116.
Journal Article
Panchanathan, K., & Wilke, A. (2007). Are readers of evolution and human behavior interesting people? A review of Hanna Kokko's modelling for field biologists and other interesting people. Evolution and Human Behavior, 28(6), 448–450.
Journal Article
Poom, L., Olsson, H., & Börjesson, E. (2007). Dissociations between slant-contrast and reversed slant-contrast. Vision Research, 47(6), 746–754.
Journal Article
Reimer, T., Hoffrage, U., & Katsikopoulos, K. (2007). Entscheidungsheuristiken in Gruppen. NeuroPsychoEconomics, 2(1), 7–29.
Journal Article
Reimer, T., Kuendig, S., Hoffrage, U., Park, E., & Hinsz, V. (2007). Effects of the information environment on group discussions and decisions in the hidden-profile paradigm. Communication Monographs, 74(1), 1–28.
Journal Article
Reise, H., Visser, S., & Hutchinson, J. M. C. (2007). Mating behaviour in the terrestrial slug Deroceras gorgonium: Is extreme morphology associated with extreme behaviour? Animal Biology, 57(2), 197–215.
Journal Article
Rosati, A. G., Stevens, J. R., Hare, B., & Hauser, M. D. (2007). The evolutionary origins of human patience: Temporal preferences in chimpanzees, bonobos, and human adults. Current Biology, 17(19), 1663–1668.
Journal Article
Scheibehenne, B., & Bröder, A. (2007). Predicting Wimbledon 2005 tennis results by mere player name recognition. International Journal of Forecasting, 23(3), 415–426.
Journal Article
Scheibehenne, B., Miesler, L., & Todd, P. M. (2007). Fast and frugal food choices: Uncovering individual decision heuristics. Appetite, 49(3), 578–589.
Journal Article
Stevens, J. R., Wood, J. N., & Hauser, M. D. (2007). When quantity trumps number: Discrimination experiments in cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) and common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). Animal Cognition, 10(4), 429–437.
Journal Article
Todd, P. M. (2007). How much information do we need? European Journal of Operational Research, 177(3), 1317–1332.
Journal Article
Todd, P. M., & Gigerenzer, G. (2007). Environments that make us smart: Ecological rationality. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 16(3), 167–171.
Journal Article
Todd, P. M., Penke, L., Fasolo, B., & Lenton, A. P. (2007). Different cognitive processes underlie human mate choices and mate preferences. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104(38), 15011–15016.
Journal Article
Wegwarth, O., & Gigerenzer, G. (2007). Vom Risiko, Risiken zu kommunizieren [About the risk to communicate risk]. Therapeutische Umschau, 64(12), 687–692.

Book (2)

Brighton, H., & Selina, H. (2007). Introducing Artificial Intelligence. (R. Appignanesi, Ed.) (2nd ed.). Icon Books.
Gigerenzer, G. (2007). Gut feelings: The intelligence of the unconscious. Viking.
(audio book: Tantor Media, 2007)
(UK edition: Penguin/Allen Lane, 2007)
(German translation: Bauchentscheidungen: Die Intelligenz des Unbewussten und die Macht der Intuition. München: Bertelsmann, 2007)
(Dutch translation: De kracht van je intuitie. Kosmos, 2007)
(ebook: Kindle edition, 2008)
(Spanish translation: Decisiones instintivas: La inteligencia del inconsciente. Barcelona: Ariel, 2008. World Spanish Edition, Ariel, 2018.)
(Croatian translation: Snaga intuicije: Inteligencija nesvjesnog. Algoritam, 2008)
(Italian translation: Decisioni intuitive. Raffaelo Cortina, 2009)
(Polish translation: Intuicja: Intelligencja nieswiadomosci. Prószinsky i S-ka, 2009)
(French translation: La genie de l'intuition. Editions Belfond, 2009)
(Korean translation: Chungrim)
(Brazilian edition: O poder da intuição: O inconsciente dita as melhores decisões. Rio de Janeiro: Best Seller, 2009)
(Turkish translation: BZD Publishers)
(Chinese translations: China Renmin University Press, 2009; Post Wave Publishing Co., 2015; Beijing United Publishing Co., 2016.)
(Taiwanese translations [complex Chinese]: Locus, 2009; Sunrise Press, 2019)
(Bulgarian translation: Iztok-Zapad)
(Romanian translation: Cuertea Veche)
(Portuguese translation: Gradiva)
(Japanese translation: Intershift, 2010)
(Excerpts reprinted in Wer wir sind und wie wir sein könnten, pp. 153-166, by R. Oehler, V. Bernius, & K.-H. Wellmann, Eds., 2008, Freiburg: Herder.)
(Chapter 6 reprinted in Kopf schlägt Bauch? Sind Emotionen ein Erfolgsfaktor?, by B. Felden, Ed., 2011, Berlin: Flying Kiwi Verlag.)
(Chapter 6 reprinted in The beauty of theory: Zur Ästhetik und Affektökonomie von Theorien, pp. 167-175, by J. Küpper, M. Rautzenberg, M. Schaub, & R. Strätling, Eds., 2013, Paderborn: Fink.)
(Excerpts reprinted in Aus den Elfenbeintürmen der Wissenschaft, pp. 187-226, by E. M. Neher, Ed., 2013, Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag.)
(Excerpts reprinted in Texte, Themen und Strukturen, by B. Schurf & A. Wagener, Eds., 2015, Berlin: Cornelsen Schulverlage.)
(Excerpts reprinted in Japanese, Benesse Corporation, 2018.).

Book Chapter (20)

Book Chapter
Fasolo, B., McClelland, G., & Todd, P. M. (2007). Problemi dovuti all'ambiente decisionale. In R. Misuraca, B. Fasolo, & M. Cardaci (Eds.), I processi decisionali: Paradossi, sfide e supporti (pp. 51–68). Il Mulino.
Book Chapter
Gigerenzer, G. (2007). Begrenzte Rationalität. In Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Ed.), Risiko: Streitgespräche in den Wissenschaftlichen Sitzungen der Versammlung der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften am 15. Dezember 2006 und am 22. Juni 2007 (pp. 105–111). Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Book Chapter
Gigerenzer, G. (2007). Bauchentscheidungen: Weniger ist (manchmal) mehr. In G. Gigerenzer, Bauchentscheidungen: Die Intelligenz des Unbewussten und die Macht der Intuition (pp. 29–48). Bertelsmann.
(Reprinted in Wer wir sind und wie wir sein könnten, pp. 153-166, by R. Oehler, V. Bernius & K. H. Wellmann, Eds., 2008, Freiburg: Herder).
Book Chapter
Gigerenzer, G., & Sturm, T. (2007). Tools = theories = data? On some circular dynamics in cognitive science. In M. Ash & T. Sturm (Eds.), Psychology's territories: Historical and contemporary perspectives from different disciplines (pp. 305–342). Erlbaum.
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