German National Weather Service (DWD) provides funding for a third project phase of WEXICOM
WEXICOM is a transdisciplinary research project with the participation of the FU Berlin and the Center for Adaptive Rationality.

WEXICOM investigates how to advance the communication, understanding, and use of the uncertainty of severe weather forecasts. The ultimate goal is to foster the ability to make decisions that minimize risks during extreme weather events.
Within the next four years, the project will test the potential of providing probabilistic “impact” forecasts—that is, forecasts that translate what the weather might be to what the weather might do.
WEXICOM is a transdisciplinary project involving meteorology (FU Berlin), psychology (Center for Adaptive Rationality at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development), and the social sciences (Forschungsforum Öffentliche Sicherheit [FÖS], Disaster Research Unit [DRU], FU Berlin)
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