Aaron Peikert was awarded the Otto Hahn Medal 2024  

The Max Planck Society honors up to 30 young scientists each year for outstanding scientific achievements 

June 20, 2024

Aaron Peikert, Principle Investigator at the Center for Lifespan Psychology, was awarded the Otto Hahn Medal 2024 for his dissertation in the humanities, social, and human sciences section.   

Aaron Peikert's dissertation deals with the topic "Towards Transparency and Open Science: A Principled Perspective on Computational Reproducibility and Preregistration". Researchers in psychology and other empirical sciences are currently having to deal with the replication crisis, which means that numerous scientific findings cannot be repeated due to various causes (e.g. sociological biases). However, this is a fundamental requirement of empirical scientific work.  

This is precisely where Aaron Peikert's research comes in, as he theoretically analyzes various solutions to the replication crisis from the field of open science and simplifies their practical application.   

Every year, the Max Planck Society honors young scientists for outstanding scientific achievements, which they have usually made in connection with their doctoral thesis. 

Further information can be found on the website of the Max Planck Society.

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