Walter-Witzenmann Prize 2020 for Max Stille
Scholar of Islam receives prize for his book Islamic Sermons and Public Piety in Bangladesh: The Poetics of Popular Preaching
Max Stille has been awarded with the Walter-Witzenmann Prize of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences. The Walter-Witzenmann Prize, eponymously named after the entrepreneur from Pforzenheim, is endowed with 6,000 euros and honors excellent works in the humanities and cultural studies. This year's prize goes to scholar of Islam Max Stille, whose book Islamic Sermons and Public Piety in Bangladesh: The Poetics of Popular Preaching explored the little-studied topic of popular Islamic preaching in Bangladesh from a multi-disciplinary perspective. Max Stille was a researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin until October 2019 and has remained an associate researcher.