Margrit Pernau
Senior Researcher
Center for the History of Emotions
Research Interests
- History of Emotions
- Indian history, 18th-20th Centuries
- Transnational History, History of Entanglement
- Historical semantics, Translation Studies
Short CV:
Dr. phil. in Modern History, 1991, University of Heidelberg
Habilitation, 2007, University of Bielefeld
extraordinary Professor, 2012, Freie Universität Berlin
Project Participation:
- Emotions and Temporalities - Feeling for the Future (South Asia 1912-1970)
- The Emotions of New Education. A Transnational History of Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi
- Intermedialities
- Space and Emotions
MOOC Lecture Series 1 supported by the Research Council of Norway-SAMKUL programme (RCN project no: 236858)
Synchronizing Times
The Lectures in this series engage with concepts such as synchronization, periodization, modernity and colonialism. Students will learn about cutting edge concepts in history and theory, as well as how these concepts are being used in understanding historical processes in the present, as well as giving shape to historical studies as a field.
Series 1 Lecture 04: Margrit Pernau | Synchronization and Periodization
Interview (on Youtube) with Prof. Rodrigo Bragio Bonaldo, post graduate program for historians Segundo Simpósio História Global: Vozes do Sul, of the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis, Brasilien, 24.11.2020
Podcast Interview with Prof. SherAli Tareen on New Books Network about "Emotions and Modernity in Colonial India. From Balance to Fervor" (OUP, 2019), 23 October 2020.
Selected Literature:
Pernau, M. (2023). „Chronocenosis: How to imagine the multiplicity of temporalities without losing the emphasis on power and conflicts“, History and Theory 62 (4): 123-131, doi:
Pernau, M. (2019). Emotions and Modernity in Colonial India. Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Pernau, M. with H. Jordheim, E. Saada, C. Bailey, E. Wigen, O. Bashkin, M. Kia, M. Singh, R. Majumdar, A.C. Messner, O. Benesch, M. Park and J. Ifversen (2015). Civilizing emotions: Concepts in nineteenth-century Asia and Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Pernau, M. (2013). Ashraf into middle classes: Muslims in nineteenth-century Delhi. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Pernau, M. (2008). Bürger mit Turban: Muslime in Delhi im 19. Jahrhundert. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Pernau, M. (2006). The Delhi college: Traditional elites, the colonial state, and education before 1857. Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Pernau, M. (1992). Verfassung und politische Kultur im Wandel: Der indische Fürstenstaat Hyderabad 1911-48. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.