Getting involved
Experience the campus on a guided tour with your school class, as an intern or during your Voluntary Social Year in Science
Discover the world of cognitive science, cognitive neuroscience and developmental psychology at the Max Planck Dahlem Campus of Cognition. The MPDCC strives to make its research accessible to a wide audience. We are particularly keen to bring research into schools in order to get young people interested in science. For example, we offer school classes the opportunity to explore our advanced laboratory infrastructure up close through guided tours. Internships or our Voluntary Social Year in Science program also give young people the opportunity to immerse themselves in everyday research at the MPDCC.
School visit:
Take a look behind the scenence of the Campus: take a close-up look at an MRI scanner, experience a rollercoaster ride in the VR lab and find out how scientists work in the various labs on a guided tour of the building. You will then have the opportunity to find out directly from them how they ended up in science and what their day-to-day work looks like. The group size should not exceed 30 participants.
The visits are aimed at students in 8th-12th grade and last about 3 hours.
If you are interested or have further questions, please contact Laureen Krüger: Tel. 030 82406 656, e-mail:
Internship at the MPDCC:
The Max Planck Dahlem Campus Cognition offers students the opportunity to gain an insight into research in cognitive neuroscience.
In addition to the various research groups at the MPDCC, you will also get to know the science-supporting service areas of the Max Planck Institute for Human Development.
School internships are usually awarded for 2 weeks. Please send your application including CV, certificates and other relevant documents to Laureen Krüger: Tel. 030 82406 656, E-Mail:
Voluntary social year in science
The Max Planck Dahlem Campus of Cognition offers young people who would like to gain an insight into the world of science a Voluntary Social Year in Science. Here you can get to know the research processes at the institute and find out about different careers in science.
Here you can read an experience report by an FSJ student from the Lise Meitner Group and get an impression.
If you are interested, please send your unsolicited application to our MPDCC coordinator Laureen Krüger: Tel. 030 82406 656, e-mail: