MPDCC core groups

The integrated research groups at the MPDCC include:

Adaptive Memory and Decision Making (AMD), Head: Bernhard Spitzer, MPIB

The AMD research group investigates how the brain dynamically structures memory content to enable adaptive behavior. To this end, the group uses neuroscientific methods such as electroencephalography (EEG), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and eye-tracking, in combination with multivariate analysis methods and computational modeling. The group is supported by a Consolidator Grant of the European Research Council (ERC), by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and by the Research Unit Adaptive Rationality at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development.

Mind-Body-Emotion, Head: Michael Gaebler, MPI CBS

The Mind-Body-Emotion research group investigates the interaction between the brain and the rest of the body during emotional processing - with a particular focus on possible modulators of cardio- and cerebrovascular health. To this end, they conduct psychophysiological and imaging studies in classical laboratory settings, but also in real environments (e.g. with mobile measuring devices) and with naturalistic experimental setups (e.g. immersive virtual reality).

MPFG MR Physics, Head: N.N.

The Max Planck Research Group MR Physics works on the implementation of reproducible and robust methods of MR physics, quantitative MRI and the validation and application of in vivo histology using MRI (hMRI). In addition, our group is also responsible for the operation of the MRI core facility. 

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