Gerd Gigerenzer - Publications

Journal Article (299)

Journal Article
Artinger, F. M., & Gigerenzer, G. (2024). How heuristic pricing shapes the aggregate market: The "cheap twin paradox". Industrial and Corporate Change. Advance online publication.
Journal Article
Capraro, V., Lentsch, A., Acemoglu, D., Akgun, S., Akhmedova, A., Bilancini, E., Bonnefon, J.-F., Brañas-Garza, P., Butera, L., Douglas, K. M., Everett, J. A. C., Gigerenzer, G., Greenhow, C., Hashimoto, D. A., Holt-Lunstad, J., Jetten, J., Johnson, S., Kunz, W. H., Longoni, C., Lunn, P., Natale, S., Paluch, S., Rahwan, I., Selwyn, N., Singh, V., Suri, S., Sutcliffe, J., Tomlinson, J., van der Linden, S., van Lange, P. A. M., Wall, F., van Bavel, J. J., & Viale, R. (2024). The impact of generative artificial intelligence on socioeconomic inequalities and policy making. PNAS Nexus, 3(6), Article pgae191.
Journal Article
Gigerenzer, G. (2024). AI in an uncertain world: Response to Krueger's review of How to stay smart in a smart world. The American Journal of Psychology, 137(1), 74–77.
Journal Article
Gigerenzer, G. (2024). Psychological AI: Designing algorithms informed by human psychology. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 19(5), 839–848.
Journal Article
Gigerenzer, G. (2024). Can psychology learn from the natural sciences? Theory & Psychology, 34(3), 295–310.
Journal Article
Gigerenzer, G. (2024). The rationality wars: A personal reflection. Behavioural Public Policy. Advance online publication.
Journal Article
Gigerenzer, G., & Garcia-Retamero, R. (2024). Uncertainty about paternity: A study on deliberate ignorance. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, Article 1399995.
Journal Article
Reb, J., Luan, S., & Gigerenzer, G. (2024). Smart heuristics for smart management. Asian Management Insights, 11(1), 34–39.
Journal Article
Reb, J., Luan, S., & Gigerenzer, G. (in press). Smart management: Reply to Krueger (2024). The American Journal of Psychology.
Journal Article
Saltelli, A., Gigerenzer, G., Hulme, M., Katsikopoulos, K. V., Melsen, L. A., Peters, G. P., Pielke, R. J., Robertson, S., Stirling, A., Tavoni, M., & Puy, A. (2024). Bring digital twins back to earth. WIREs Climate Change, 15(6), Article e915.
Journal Article
Schmidt, S. (2024). Wenn der Bauch "spricht": Intuition und deren Auswirkung auf Entscheidungen und Handlungen von Polizistinnen und Polizisten [Prof. Dr. Sandra Schmidt im Gespräch mit Prof. Dr. Gerd Gigerenzer (Berlin)]. Die Polizei, (7), 262–267.
Journal Article
Trueblood, J. S., Allison, D. B., Field, S. M., Fishbach, A., Gaillard, S. D. M., Gigerenzer, G., Holmes, W. R., Lewandowsky, S., Matzke, D., Murphy, M. C., Musslick, S., Popov, V., Roskies, A. L., ter Schure, J., & Teodorescu, A. R. (in press). The misalignment of incentives in academic publishing and implications for journal reform. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
Journal Article
Gigerenzer, G. (2023). How do narratives relate to heuristics? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 46, Article e94.
Journal Article
Woike, J. K., Hertwig, R., & Gigerenzer, G. (2023). Heterogeneity of rules in Bayesian reasoning: A toolbox analysis. Cognitive Psychology, 143, Article 101564.
Journal Article
Artinger, F. M., Gigerenzer, G., & Jacobs, P. (2022). Satisficing: Integrating two traditions. Journal of Economic Literature, 60(2), 598–635.
Journal Article
Gigerenzer, G. (2022). We need to think more about how we conduct research. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 45, Article e16.
Journal Article
Gigerenzer, G. (2022). Simple heuristics to run a research group. PsyCh Journal, 11(2), 275–280.
Journal Article
Gigerenzer, G., Hurrelmann, K., Jonitz, G., & Schaeffer, D. (2022). Deutschland braucht eine Agentur für Gesundheitskommunikation: Plädoyer für eine Neuaufstellung der Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung. Gesundheitswesen, 84(1), 13–15.
Journal Article
Gigerenzer, G., Reb, J., & Luan, S. (2022). Smart heuristics for individuals, teams, and organizations. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 9, 171–198.
Journal Article
Katsikopoulos, K. V., Şimşek, Ö., Buckmann, M., & Gigerenzer, G. (2022). Transparent modeling of influenza incidence: Big data or a single data point from psychological theory? International Journal of Forecasting, 38(2), 613–619.
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