Publications of Gert G. Wagner

Journal Article (165)

Journal Article
Gerstorf, D., Ram, N., Goebel, J., Schupp, J., Lindenberger, U., & Wagner, G. G. (2010). Where people live and die makes a difference: Individual and geographic disparities in well-being progression at the end of life. Psychology and Aging, 25(3), 661–676.
Journal Article
Gerstorf, D., Ram, N., Mayraz, G., Hidajat, M., Lindenberger, U., Wagner, G. G., & Schupp, J. (2010). Late-life decline in well-being across adulthood in Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States: Something is seriously wrong at the end of life. Psychology and Aging, 25(2), 477–485.
Journal Article
Headey, B., Muffels, R., & Wagner, G. G. (2010). Long-running German panel survey shows that personal and economic choices, not just genes, matter for happiness. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107(42), 17922–17926.
Journal Article
Headey, B., Schupp, J., Tucci, I., & Wagner, G. G. (2010). Authentic happiness theory supported by impact of religion on life satisfaction: A longitudinal analysis with data for Germany. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 5(1), 73–82.
Journal Article
Schräpler, J.-P., Schupp, J., & Wagner, G. G. (2010). Changing from PAPI to CAPI: Introducing CAPI in a longitudinal study. Journal of Official Statistics, 26(2), 233–269.
Journal Article
Hank, K., Jürges, H., Schupp, J., & Wagner, G. G. (2009). Isometrische Greifkraft und sozialgerontologische Forschung: Ergebnisse und Analysepotentiale des SHARE und SOEP. Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 42(2), 117–126.
Journal Article
Huschka, D., Gerhards, J., & Wagner, G. G. (2009). Naming differences in divided Germany. Names: A Journal of Onomastics, 57(4), 208–228.
Journal Article
Riediger, M., Schmiedek, F., Wagner, G. G., & Lindenberger, U. (2009). Seeking pleasure and seeking pain: Differences in prohedonic and contra-hedonic motivation from adolescence to old age. Psychological Science, 20(12), 1529–1535.
Journal Article
Gerstorf, D., Ram, N., Estabrook, R., Schupp, J., Wagner, G. G., & Lindenberger, U. (2008). Life satisfaction shows terminal decline in old age: Longitudinal evidence from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP). Developmental Psychology, 44(4), 1148–1159.
Journal Article
Kroh, M., Pischner, R., Spieß, M., & Wagner, G. G. (2008). On the treatment of non-original sample members in the German Household Panel Study (SOEP). Methoden, Daten, Analysen, 2(2), 176–198.
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