Ralph Hertwig | Keynote lectures
Only keynote lectures since 2015 are listed here. See full CV for a complete list of keynote lectures, invited talks, conference presentations, and symposia.
Hertwig, R. (February 2024). Warum Expert*innen und Bürger*innen Risiken häufig ganz unterschiedlich bewerten? National Academy of Science and Engineering acatech, Germany, virtual.
Hertwig, R. (January 2024). Empowering citizens with behavioral science. London School of Economics, Department of Social Policy, London, UK.
Hertwig, R. & Reijula, S. (December 2023). Self-nudging and the citizen choice architect: DIY in Behaviour Change. Conference „Research Handbook on Nudges and Society“, Cambridge Judge Business School, UK.
Hertwig, R. (November 2023). Why people choose deliberate ignorance in times of societal transformation. IAS conference “Interdisciplinarity in Research”, University of Luxembourg, Insitute for Advanced Studies, Luxembourg.
Hertwig, R. (November 2023). Kritisches Ignorieren als neue Kernkompetenz in einer Welt der Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie. FACE Lecture, University of Freiburg, Germany.
Hertwig, R. (January 2023). Corona and beyond: Antisystem attitudes, conspiracy mentality, and misinformation. 12th meeting of the Pediatric University Teachers' Convention, Dresden, Germany.
Hertwig, R. (Februar 2022). A description-experience framework of the psychology of risk, DfE seminar, Technion and University of Haifa, Israel, virtual.
Hertwig, R. (November 2021). How Behavioral Sciences Can Promote Truth, Autonomy, and Democratic Discourse Online. Psychology Department Colloquium, Columbia University and Barnard College, USA, virtual.
Hertwig, R. (Oktober 2021). Fake News, Lügen und andere Gefahren. Opening lecture of the series "Wahrhaft Lügen. Wann Täuschung und Sabotage nützlich sind", Junges Kolleg Greifswald, Germany, virtual.
Hertwig, R. (October 2021). Confronting Digital Challenges with Cognitive Tools, Workshop "Belief Polarization", University of Tübingen, Germany, virtual.
Hertwig, R. (June 2021). How experience shapes decisions. Economic Decision-Making: Perspectives from Economics, History and Psychology, SPP 1859 Annual meeting 2021, DFG (German Research Foundation), Germany, virtual.
Hertwig, R. (May 2021). Boosting good decisions. Behavioural Transformations in the 21st century: Novel ways to behavioural public policy more effective, London School of Economics, Department of Geography and Environment, UK, virtual.
Hertwig, R. (January 2021). Deliberate ignorance: The enigma of choosing not to know. Bjørn Christiansens memorial lecture, University of Bergen, Department of Psychosocial Science, Norway, virtual.
Hertwig, R. (October 2020). Nudging and boosting: Two paths toward better financial decisions. International Seminar “Financial Education and Risk Literacy”, Herbert Simon Society in collaboration with Bank of Italy, Italy, virtual.
Hertwig, R. (January 2020). Boosting and nudging and the science of engineering good decisions. TAPM-Max Planck-Chinese Academy Winter School on Bounded Rationality, T A Pai Management Institute (TAPMI), Manipal, India.
Hertwig, R. (January 2020). Taming Uncertainty. 10th CFA Society India Investment Conference, CFA Institute, Mumbay, India.
Hertwig, R. (October 2019). Behavioural Science in the Wild: Nudging and Boosting in Public Policy. Social Psychology and Community Psychology in Norway – 20th Anniversary, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway.
Hertwig, R. (April 2019). Implications of PR perspective: Autonomy & empathy in public policy. Prompted Rationality Seminar: Bridging science, design and policy in promoting autonomous choice for societal benefits, Utrecht University, The Netherlands.
Hertwig, R. (January 2019). The Homo Heuristicus and the World of Food. 2nd Winter Workshop "Behavioral and Experimental Economics of Food Consumption", INRA-GAEL, Université Grenoble, Aussois, France.
Hertwig, R. (January 2019). Experience and Description: Exploring Two Paths to Knowledge. German Primate Center, Department of Cognitive Ethology, University of Göttingen, Germany.
Hertwig, R. (November 2018). Nudging and boosting: Steering or empowering good decisions? Center for Advanced Studies LMU, Munich, Germany.
Hertwig, R. (October 2018). Einfache Entscheidungsregeln für eine komplexe Welt. NeuroForum 2018, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany.
Hertwig, R. (December 2018). Heuristics Can Withstand Environmental and Strategic Uncertainty. Herbert Simon Society International Conference "Heuristics in Organizations and Society", Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin, Italy.
Hertwig, R. (December 2018). How to Change Behavior and Preserve Agency. Herbert Simon Honorary Lecture, Turin, Italy.
Hertwig, R. (December 2018). Is Risk Literacy a Pipe Dream? 2nd International Workshop on Financial Education and Risk Literacy: BeFairly-Behavioral Financial Regulation and Policy. Bank of Italy & Herbert Simon Society, Rome, Italy.
Hertwig, R. (December 2018). Nudging and Boosting: Two Ways to Change Behavior. Colloquium "Oltre il Nudge: Le scienze comportamentali per la libertà ed il benessere dei cittadini", University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy.
Hertwig, R. (October 2018). Nudging and Boosting: Two Ways To Change Behavior. Conference New Directions in Psychology of Behavior Change. Behavioral Science Institute, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
Hertwig, R. (October 2018). Was hat die Entscheidungspsychologie zur AMTS zu sagen. Erfahrungs- versus beschreibungsbasiertes Entscheiden. 5. Deutscher Kongress für Patientensicherheit bei medikamentöser Therapie, Berlin, Germany.
Hertwig, R. (July 2018). Human Rationality: Three Gaps And No Funeral. EADM Summer School 2018, University of Salzburg, Austria.
Hertwig, R. (May 2018). In the Beginning Was Experience - Not the Word. Lecture series: Political Psychology. Explaining Political Behaviour and Identity. Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences, Bamberg, Germany.
Hertwig, R. (April 2018). Wie die Verhaltenswissenschaften Verhalten verändern - zur aktuellen Diskussion. Jahresversammlung der Hochschulrektorenkonferenz, University of Mannheim, Germany.
Hertwig, R. (March 2018). Einfache Regeln für eine komplexe Welt – Wie Familien und Ärzte bei ungewissen Datenlagen zu einer gemeinsamen Behandlungsentscheidung kommen. 16. Tagung des bundesweiten Behandlungsnetzwerks HIT, Deutsche Kinderkrebsstiftung, Augsburg, Germany.
Hertwig, R. (February 2018). Wie entscheiden Menschen eigentlich? Deutsche Gesellschaft für Thorax-. Herz- und Gefäßchirurgie (DGTHG). 47. Jahrestagung der DGHTG & 50. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Kardiologie, Leipzig, Germany.
Hertwig, R. (December 2017). Boosting versus Nudging: Two distinct ways to harness behavioral insights. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ökonomische Bildung (dgöb). Nachwuchsforum, Hamburg, Germany.
Hertwig, R. (August 2017). Preferential heuristics, uncertainty and the structure of the environment. TIBER 2017 Symposium on Psychology and Economics, Tilburg University, Netherlands.
Hertwig, R. (October 2016). Nudge or boost? Fourth international workshop "Behavioral economics nudges and heuristics for public policies". Herbert Simon Society. Campus Luigi Einaudi, Turin, Italy.
Hertwig, R. (July 2016). How risk preferences develop acoss the life span. Second workshop on Social and Biological Roots of Economics (SBREW), Institute for the World Economy, Kiel, Germany.
Hertwig, R. (July 2016). Nudging versus boosting: The case of statistical and risk literacy. IASE 2016 Roundtable Conference: "Promoting understanding of statistics about society". Berlin, Germany.
Hertwig, R. (June 2016). Beyond nudging: How to boost medical decision-making. 16th Biennial European Conference (ESMDM). London, UK.
Hertwig, R. (July 2015). Reckoning with uncertainty: Learning to discern and adapt to the obscure. 48th. Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology. Newport Beach, California.
Hertwig, R. (June 2015). Navigating the twilight of uncertainty: Decision from experience. Causal and probabilistic reasoning conference. Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy. Munich, Germany.
Hertwig, R. (April 2015). How to look under the hood. Annual Meeting of the European Group of Process Tracing Studies. Berlin, Germany.
Hertwig, R. (February 2015). How we reckon with risks. International workshop "Genetic risk information: Addressing new challenges". Kassel, Germany.