Heisenberg Research Group - Publications

Journal Article (9)

Journal Article
Blanke, E., Rauers, A., & Riediger, M. (2016). Weißt du, was ich fühle? Empathische Fähigkeiten im Lebensverlauf. The In-Mind, 1.
Journal Article
Blanke, E., Rauers, A., & Riediger, M. (2016). Does being empathic pay off? Associations between performance-based measures of empathy and social adjustment in younger and older women. Emotion, 16(5), 671–683. https://doi.org/10.1037/emo0000166
Journal Article
Harden, K. P., Wrzus, C., Luong, G., Grotzinger, A., Bajbouj, M., Rauers, A., Wagner, G. G., & Riediger, M. (2016). Diurnal coupling between testosterone and cortisol from adolescence to older adulthood. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 73, 79–90. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psyneuen.2016.07.216
Journal Article
Hülür, G., Hoppmann, C. A., Rauers, A., Schade, H., Ram, N., & Gerstorf, D. (2016). Empathic accuracy for happiness in the daily lives of older couples: Fluid cognitive performance predicts pattern accuracy among men. Psychology and Aging, 31(5), 545–552. https://doi.org/10.1037/pag0000109
Journal Article
Lisofsky, N., Riediger, M., Gallinat, J., Lindenberger, U., & Kühn, S. (2016). Hormonal contraceptive use is associated with neural and affective changes in healthy young women. NeuroImage, 134, 597–606. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.04.042
Journal Article
Luong, G., Wrzus, C., Wagner, G. G., & Riediger, M. (2016). When bad moods may not be so bad: Valuing negative affect is associated with weakened affect-health links. Emotion, 16(3), 387–401. https://doi.org/10.1037/emo0000132
Journal Article
Riediger, M. (2016). Prokrastination als Coaching-Anliegen. Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching (OSC), 23(4), 381–390. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11613-016-0479-8
Journal Article
Tamir, M., Schwartz, S. H., Cieciuch, J., Riediger, M., Torres, C., Scollon, C., Dzokoto, V., Zhou, X., & Vishkin, A. (2016). Desired emotions across cultures: A value-based account. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 111(1), 67–82. https://doi.org/10.1037/pspp0000072
Journal Article
Wrzus, C., Wagner, G. G., & Riediger, M. (2016). Personality-situation transactions from adolescence to old age. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 110(5), 782–799. https://doi.org/10.1037/pspp0000054

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Riediger, M., & Luong, G. (2016). Happy to be unhappy? Pro- and contra-hedonic motivations from adolescence to old age. In A. D. Ong & C. E. Löckenhoff (Eds.), Emotion, aging, and health (pp. 97–118). American Psychological Association.
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