Publications of Lars Bäckman

Journal Article (94)

Journal Article
Lövdén, M., Karalija, N., Andersson, M., Wåhlin, A., Axelsson, J., Köhncke, Y., Jonasson, L. S., Rieckman, A., Papenberg, G., Garrett, D. D., Guitart-Masip, M., Salami, A., Riklund, K., Bäckman, L., Nyberg, L., & Lindenberger, U. (2018). Latent-profile analysis reveals behavioral and brain correlates of dopamine-cognition associations. Cerebral Cortex, 28(11), 3894–3907.
Journal Article
Salami, A., Rieckmann, A., Karalija, N., Avelar-Pereira, B., Andersson, M., Wåhlin, A., Papenberg, G., Garrett, D. D., Riklund, K., Lövdén, M., Lindenberger, U., Bäckman, L., & Nyberg, L. (2018). Neurocognitive profiles of older adults with working-memory dysfunction. Cerebral Cortex, 28(7), 2525–2539.
Journal Article
Bellander, M., Eschen, A., Lövdén, M., Martin, M., Bäckman, L., & Brehmer, Y. (2017). No evidence for improved associative memory performance following process-based associative memory training in older adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 8, Article 326.
Journal Article
de Boer, L., Axelsson, J., Riklund, K., Nyberg, L., Dayan, P., Bäckman, L., & Guitart-Masip, M. (2017). Attenuation of dopamine-modulated prefrontal value signals underlies probabilistic reward learning deficits in old age. eLife, 6, Article e26424.
Journal Article
Papenberg, G., Becker, N., Ferencz, B., Naveh-Benjamin, M., Laukka, E. J., Bäckman, L., & Brehmer, Y. (2017). Dopamine receptor genes modulate associative memory in old age. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 29(2), 245–253.
Journal Article
Brehmer, Y., Shing, Y. L., Heekeren, H. R., Lindenberger, U., & Bäckman, L. (2016). Training-induced changes in subsequent-memory effects: No major differences among children, younger adults, and older adults. NeuroImage, 131, 214–225.
Journal Article
Guitart-Masip, M., Salami, A., Garrett, D. D., Rieckmann, A., Lindenberger, U., & Bäckman, L. (2016). BOLD variability is related to dopaminergic neurotransmission and cognitive aging. Cerebral Cortex, 26(5), 2074–2083.
Journal Article
Köhncke, Y., Laukka, E. J., Brehmer, Y., Kalpouzos, G., Li, T.-Q., Fratiglioni, L., Bäckman, L., & Lövdén, M. (2016). Three-year changes in leisure activities are associated with concurrent changes in white matter microstructure and perceptual speed in individuals aged 80 years and older. Neurobiology of Aging, 41, 173–186.
Journal Article
Maass, A., Düzel, S., Brigadski, T., Goerke, M., Becke, A., Sobieray, U., Neumann, K., Lövdén, M., Lindenberger, U., Bäckman, L., Braun-Dullaeus, R., Ahrens, D., Heinze, H.-J., Müller, N. G., Lessmann, V., Sendtner, M., & Düzel, E. (2016). Relationships of peripheral IGF-1, VEGF and BDNF levels to exercise-related changes in memory, hippocampal perfusion and volumes in older adults. NeuroImage, 131, 142–154.
Journal Article
Nyberg, L., Karalija, N., Salami, A., Andersson, M., Wåhlin, A., Kaboovand, N., Köhncke, Y., Axelsson, J., Rieckmann, A., Papenberg, G., Garrett, D. D., Riklund, K., Lövdén, M., Lindenberger, U., & Bäckman, L. (2016). Dopamine D2 receptor availability is linked to hippocampal-caudate functional connectivity and episodic memory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113(28), 7918–7923.

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