Main Focus
- determinants of health behaviors (particularly nutrition and physical activity)
- social factors in eating (social media and food, family meals, eating with others across the lifespan)
- overweight and Stigma
- consequences of health behaviors (e.g., exercise for Depression)
Curriculum Vitae
2015 - today Full professor of Health Psychology, Department of Social Sciences, University of Mannheim, Germany
2018 - today Associate researcher, Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES); Mannheim, Germany
2014 - today Associate researcher, Max Planck Institute for Human Development; Berlin, Germany
2014 - today Associate researcher, Centro Interdisciplinar de Escudo da Performance Humana, University of Lisbon, Portugal
2014-2015 Assistant professor of Health Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Basel, Switzerland
2012-2014 Researcher, Max Planck Institute for Human Development; Berlin, Germany
2010-2012 Research Scientist, Department of Psychology, University of Basel; Basel, Switzerland
2008-2010 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Psychology, Stanford University; Stanford, USA
2008 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Human Kinetics, Technical University Lisbon; Lisbon, Portugal
2008 Dr. rer nat. (equiv. to a PhD)- Humboldt University Berlin; Berlin, Germany