Main Focus
My primary research focus is on advancing high and ultrahigh field human imaging through innovative MRI acquisition and analysis methods, with a strong emphasis on body and neuro applications.
Curriculum Vitae
Short CV
2007-2010 B.Sc: Technische Universität Graz, Österreich
2010-2011 Erasmus: Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Niederlande
2011-2012 Dipl. Ing.: Technische Universität Graz, Österreich
2012-2018 Dr. techn., Technische Universität Graz, Österreich
2018-2019: PostDoc, Universität Graz, Österreich
2019-2024 PostDoc, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Berlin
seit 2024 Wissenschaftlich technischer Mitarbeiter, MPIB Berlin
Selected Publications
- C.S. Aigner, M.F. Sánchez Alarcon, A. D’Astous, E. Alonso-Ortiz, J. Cohen-Adad, S. Schmitter. ”Calibration-Free Parallel Transmission of the Cervical, Thoracic, and Lumbar Spinal Cord at 7T” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2024;
- C.S. Aigner, S. Dietrich and S. Schmitter. ”Respiration induced B1+ changes and their impact on universal and tailored 3D kT point pulses for 7T cardiac imaging” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2022;87:2862-2871;
- S. Dietrich, C.S. Aigner, J. Mayer, C. Kolbitsch, J. Schulz-Menger, T. Schaeffter and S. Schmitter. ”Motion Compensated Fat-Water Imaging for 3D Cardiac MRI at Ultra-High-Fields” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2022;87:2621-2636;
- L.T. Riemann, C.S. Aigner, S.L.R. Ellison, R. Brühl, R. Mekle, S. Schmitter, O. Speck, G. Rose, B. Ittermann and A. Fillmer. ”Assessment of Measurement Precision in Single Voxel Spectroscopy at 7 T: Towards Minimal Detectable Changes of Metabolite Concentrations in the Human Brain In Vivo” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2022;87:1119-1135;
- C.S. Aigner, S. Dietrich, T. Schaeffter and S. Schmitter. ”Calibration-free pTx of the human heart at 7T via 3D universal pulses” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2022;87:70-84;
- M.S. Vinding, C.S. Aigner, S. Schmitter and T.E. Lund. ”DeepControl: 2DRF pulses facilitating inhomogeneity and B0 off-resonance compensation in vivo at 7 T” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2021;85:3308-3317.
2024 Top 10 Cited MRM Article 2022-2023 Award
2022 International Erwin L. Hahn Award
2022 Junior Fellow of the ISMRM
2022 Study Group Presenter Award, ISMRM High Field Study Group, London, UK
2021 Best abstract award, ISMRM High Field Study Group
2021 Summa and Magna cum laude award, ISMRM, virtual meeting
2018 Magna cum laude award, ISMRM, Paris, France
2016 1st place in the ISMRM RF pulse design challenge (SMS), Singapore
2015 Magna cum laude award, ISMRM, Toronto, Canada
13.03.2024: MPI für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften, Leipzig, Germany
14.10.2023: University of Minnesota (CMRR), Minneapolis, USA
14.03.2023: MR Centre of Excellence (MRCE), Vienna, Austria
14.02.2023: MPI für Biologische Kybernetik, Tübingen, Germany
23.01.2023: Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging, Amsterdam, Netherlands
13.12.2022: Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
19.10.2022: Erwin L. Hahn Institute (ELH), Essen, Germany
21.07.2022: Universitätsklinikum Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany
19.03.2022: ISMRM Workshop on Ultra-High Field MR, Lisbon, Portugal