Main Focus

I am interested in how our brain responds to urban living and adapts to environmental factors. I focus on specific visual perception strategies and how these adapt to our physical living environment. As part of my PhD project, I aim to investigate, using optical illusions and other visual phenomena, the processing strategies in our visual system, the physical environmental factors that drive their adaptation, the role of individual differences in it, and the neural mechanisms behind them.

Curriculum Vitae

  • since 10/2024 PhD student in Research Center "Environmental Neuroscience" at MPI for Human Development
  • Study Coordinator in Research Group "Cognitive Neuroendocrinology" at the Medical Faculty Leipzig & at MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 3/2024 - 9/2024
  • M.Sc. in Biology with Focus on Neuro und Behavioral Sciences, University Leipzig, 2023
  • B.Sc. in Biology, University Freiburg, 2020

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