Publications of Marie Louise Herzfeld-Schild

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Herzfeld-Schild, M. L. (2016). "The tragedy of life": Zum Opern-Soundtrack in Woody Allens MATCH POINT. Kieler Beiträge zur Filmmusikforschung, 12, 274–292.
Journal Article
Herzfeld-Schild, M. L. (2015). "With the harmony of the heart alone": The emotionalization of religion in Heinrich Bone's preface to "Cantate!" (1847). History of Emotions - Insights into Research, 2015(April).
Journal Article
Herzfeld-Schild, M. L. (2015). "Nur mit der Harmonie des Herzens": Emotionalisierung von Religion in Heinrich Bones Vorwort zu "Cantate!" (1847). Geschichte der Gefühle - Einblicke in die Forschung, 2015(April).
Journal Article
Herzfeld-Schild, M.-L. (2013). "He plays on the pillory": The use of musical instruments for punishment in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era. Torture: Journal on Rehabilitation of Torture Victims and Prevention of Torture, 23(2), 14–23.
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