Schulze, Christin

Visiting Researcher

Main Focus

Head of Research Area Development of Decision Making

  • Experience-based decisions under uncertainty
  • Childhood development of decision making strategies
  • Cognitive models of judgment and decision making 
  • Social and group decision-making

Curriculum Vitae

since 2019      Senior Research Scientist | Max Planck Institute for Human Development

since 2019      Adjunct Associate Professor | The Arctic University of Norway

2015 – 2017   Researcher | Max Planck Institute for Human Development

2015 – 2017   Postdoctoral Research Fellow | Max Planck Institute for Human Development

2015               Ph.D. Psychology | University of New South Wales

2011               M.Sc. Psychology (Dipl. Psych.) | Friedrich-Schiller University Jena

Selected Literature

Schulze, C., & Hertwig, R. (2021). A description-experience gap in statistical intuitions: Of smart babies, risk-savvy chimps, intuitive statisticians, and stupid grown-ups. Cognition210, Article 104580.

Schulze, C., Hertwig, R., & Pachur, T. (2021). Who you know is what you know: Modeling boundedly rational social sampling. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General150(2), 221–241.

Schulze, C., Gaissmaier, W., & Newell, B. R. (2020). Maximizing as satisficing: On pattern matching and probability maximizing in groups and individuals. Cognition205, Article 104382.

Schulze, C., James, G., Koehler D. J., & Newell, B. R. (2019). Probability matching does not decrease under cognitive load: A preregistered failure to replicate. Memory & Cognition, 47, 511–518.

Schulze, C., van Ravenzwaaij, D., & Newell, B. R. (2017). Hold it! The influence of lingering rewards on choice diversification and persistence. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 43, 1752–1767.

Navarro, D. J., Newell, B. R., & Schulze, C. (2016). Learning and choosing in an uncertain world: An investigation of the explore–exploit dilemma in static and dynamic environments. Cognitive Psychology, 85, 43–77.

Schulze, C., & Newell, B. R. (2016). More heads choose better than one: Group decision making can eliminate probability matching. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 23, 907–914.

Schulze, C., & Newell, B. R. (2016). Taking the easy way out? Increasing implementation effort reduces probability maximizing under cognitive load. Memory & Cognition, 44, 806–818.

Schulze, C., & Newell, B. R. (2015). Compete, coordinate, and cooperate: How to exploit uncertain environments with social interaction. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General144, 967–981.

Schulze, C., van Ravenzwaaij, D., & Newell, B. R. (2015). Of matchers and maximizers: How competition shapes choice under risk and uncertainty. Cognitive Psychology78, 78–98.

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