Wolfgang Edelstein Memorial Lecture

Educational Research - Analysis and Criticism, Reflection and Action

July 06, 2022

In memory of Wolfgang Edelstein, Director Emeritus of the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, who passed away in March 2020, a "Memorial Lecture" was held at MPI for Human Development on June 24.

Ute Frevert, Deputy Managing Director of MPI for Human Development, hosted the ceremony at the Institute and gave an introduction to his life and work. Heinz-Elmar Tenorth from the “Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin” gave a commemorative speech on "Educational Research - Analysis and Criticism, Reflection and Action. Wolfgang Edelstein in Context." In doing so, he spanned a wide range of Wolfgang Edelstein's work and research and his significance for the MPI for Human Development.

After a documentary film screening, introduced by Monika Keller, visiting scholar in the Center for Adaptive Rationality and wife of the deceased, also Ulman Lindenberger, Director of the Center for Lifespan Psychology at MPI for Human Development and Vice President of the Max Planck Society, honored Edelstein's work. The evening was rounded off with a festive reception that invited reflection on this special personality.


Further information

Live recording of "Wolfgang Edelstein Memorial Lecture"

Preprint manuscript N°513 Edelstein, W. (2023) "Struktur, Prozess, Diskurs. Vorüberlegungen zu einer strukturellen Curriculumtheorie, Berlin 1973"
More about the preprint

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