The annual meeting of the European Group of Process-Tracing Studies (EGPROC) is a beacon for researchers employing process-tracing methods like eye tracking, mouse tracking, computational models of cognitive processes, and neuroimaging to study the cognitive foundations of human judgment and decision-making. Established in 1982, this annual conference has a rich history and a unique, informal atmosphere. It fosters an environment where researchers at all stages of their careers can gather to share and discuss completed and ongoing projects related to various domains of process-tracing research.

In 2024, the meeting will take place from July 31 to August 2 at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin, Germany.

Important dates

Abstract submission deadline: 19.05.2024
Decisions: End of May 2024
Registration deadline: 16.06.2024
Pre-conference workshop: 31.07.2024
Conference: 01-02.08.2024

Organization committee

Florian Bolenz
Kamil Fulawka
Dirk Wulff


This year’s EGPROC meeting is made possible by the generous financal support of the European Association for Decision Making (EADM).

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