Publications of Nils C. Köbis

Journal Article (15)

Journal Article
Köbis, N. C., Doležalová, B., & Soraperra, I. (2021). Fooled twice: People cannot detect deepfakes but think they can. iScience, 24(11), Article 103364.
Journal Article
Köbis, N., & Mossink, L. D. (2021). Artificial intelligence versus Maya Angelou: Experimental evidence that people cannot differentiate AI-generated from human-written poetry. Computers in Human Behavior, 114, Article 106553.
Journal Article
Laakasuo, M., Palomäki, J., & Köbis, N. (2021). Moral uncanny valley: A robot’s appearance moderates how its decisions are judged. International Journal of Social Robotics, 13, 1679–1688.
Journal Article
Leib, M., Köbis, N., Soraperra, I., Weisel, O., & Shalvi, S. (2021). Collaborative dishonesty: A meta-analytic review. Psychological Bulletin, 147(12), 1241–1268.
Journal Article
Sorokowska, A., Saluja, S., Sorokowski, P., Frąckowiak, T., Karwowski, M., Aavik, T., Akello, G., Alm, C., Amjad, N., Anjum, A., Asao, K., Atama, C. S., Duyar, D. A., Ayebare, R., Batres, C., Bendixen, M., Bensafia, A., Bizumic, B., Boussena, M., Buss, D. M., Butovskaya, M., Can, S., Cantarero, K., Carrier, A., Cetinkaya, H., Chabin, D., Conroy-Beam, D., Contreras-Graduño, J., Varella, M. A. C., Cueto, R. M., Czub, M., Dronova, D., Dural, S., Duyar, I., Ertugrul, B., Espinosa, A., Esteves, C. S., Guemaz, F., Hal'amová, M., Herak, I., Hromatko, I., Hui, C.-M., Jaafar, J. L., Jiang, F., Kafetsios, K., Kavcic, T., Kennair, L. E. O., Kervyn, N. O., Khilji, I. A., Köbis, N. C., Kostic, A., Láng, A., Lennard, G. R., León, E., Lindholm, T., Lopez, G., Manesi, Z., Martinez, R., McKerchar, S. L., Meskó, N., Misra, G., Monaghan, C., Mora, E. C., Moya-Garofano, A., Musil, B., Natividade, J. C., Nizharadze, G., Oberzaucher, E., Oleszkiewicz, A., Onyishi, I. E., Özener, B., Pagani, A. F., Pakalniskiene, V., Parise, M., Pazhoohi, F., Pejičić, M., Pisanski, A., Pisanski, K., Plohl, N., Popa, C., Prokop, P., Rizwan, M., Sainz, M., Salkičević, S., Sargautyte, R., Sarmany-Schuller, I., Schmehl, S., Shahid, A., Shaikh, R., Sharad, S., Siddiqui, R. S., Simonetti, F., Tadinac, M., González, K. U., Uhryn, O., Vauclair, C.-M., Araya, L. D. V., Widarini, D. A., Yoo, G., Zadeh, Z. F., Zat'ková, M., Zupančič, M., & Croy, I. (2021). Affective interpersonal touch in close relationships: A cross-cultural perspective. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 47(12), 1705–1721.

Book Chapter (2)

Book Chapter
Bersch, C., & Köbis, N. (2024). Artificial intelligence (AI) (and anti-corruption). In L. De Sousa & S. Coroado (Eds.), Elgar encyclopedia of corruption and society (pp. 17–22). Edward Elgar.
Book Chapter
Forjan, J., Köbis, N., & Starke, C. (2024). Artificial intelligence as a weapon to fight corruption: Civil society actors on the benefits and risks of existing bottom-up approaches. In A. Mattoni (Ed.), Digital media and grassroots anti-corruption: Contexts, platforms and data of anti-corruption technologies worldwide (pp. 229–249). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Working Paper (1)

Working Paper
Köbis, N., Bonnefon, J.-F., & Rahwan, I. (2021). Bad machines corrupt good morals (TSE Working Papers No. 1212). Toulouse School of Economics.

Preprint (9)

Schmidt, E.-M., Bonati, S., Köbis, N., & Soraperra, I. (2024). GPT-3.5 altruistic advice is sensitive to reciprocal concerns but not to strategic risk. Research Square, July 15, 2024.
Köbis, N., Lorenz-Spreen, P., Ajaj, T., Bonnefon, J.-F., Hertwig, R., & Rahwan, I. (2023). Artificial intelligence can facilitate selfish decisions by altering the appearance of interaction partners. arXiv, 2306.04484 .
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