Mohammadi, Siawoosh

Leiter Forschungsgruppe
Max-Planck-Forschungsgruppe MPFG MR Physik
Researcher unique identifier:
ORCID: 0000-0003-1311-9636
- 2009 PhD on Optimization of quantitative Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Department of Neurology, University Medical Center Münster, Germany
PhD Supervisors: Michael Deppe & Harald E. Möller - 2002 MSc on Enhanced Zeeman splitting in quantum wires (Theoretical Physics)
Department of Physics, University of Hamburg, Germany
Thesis Advisor: Bernhard Kramer
- Since 2023
Head of MR Physics Group (MPRG), Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany - Since 2015
Independent Emmy Noether Group: QMRI and In Vivo Histology, Department of Systems Neuroscience, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), Hamburg, Germany - Since 2017
Senior Research Associate, Department of Neurophysics, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
- 2010 – 2014 Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellow; Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging (WTCN), University College London (UCL), UK
- 2004 – 2009 Postdoctoral and Doctoral Research Fellow, Dept. of Neurology, Medical Center Münster
- 2024 – 2029 Consolidator Grant, European Research Council (ERC; individual research grant), MPI for Human Development, Berlin
- 2017 – 2024 Emmy Noether Grant, German Research Council (DFG; individual research grant, national analogue to ERC Starting Grant), Dept. of Systems Neuroscience, UKE, Hamburg
- 2015 – 2017 Marie Curie Fellow, Dept. of Systems Neuroscience, UKE, Hamburg
- 2017 – now Elected Member of the Young Academy of Europe (YAE)
- 2014 – 2015 DFG Postdoctoral Fellow with reintegration funding, Dept. of Systems Neuroscience, UKE, Hamburg
- 2012 – 2014 DFG Postdoctoral Fellow, WTCN, UCL, UK
- 2013 Annual Early Career UCL Investigator Award in Neuroimaging Techniques. Prize awarded to top young investigators developing novel imaging technology across all faculties at UCL.
- 2016 – now Member of the developer and support team of the open source hMRI toolbox (
- 2013 – now Creator of the open source SPM toolbox for Artifact Correction In Diffusion MRI (ACID;
- M.F. Callaghan, MR physics and biophysical modelling, WTCN, UCL, UK
- P. Freund & A. Curt Applying qMRI on spinal cord diseases, University of Zürich, Switzerland
- S. Kühn, J. Gallinat, & K. Püschel, In situ MRI of body donators, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, UKE, Hamburg
- M. Morawski, Neuroanatomy, ex-vivo histology, validation of MRI, PFI, University of Leipzig
- T. Niendorf, preclinical and ultra-high-resolution MRI, MDC, Berlin-Buch, Germany
- T. Sauvigny, surgery of epilepsy patients, Dept. of Neurosurgery, UKE, Hamburg
- K. Tabelow & L. Ruthotto, Mathematical optimization in MRI, WIAS, Berlin / Emroy, USA
- N. Weiskopf, MR physics, biophysical modelling and ex-vivo histology, MPI-CBS, Leipzig
- C. Windischberger, Z. Nagy, & A. Ovsianikov, Printing phantom for diffusion MRI, University of Vienna, Austria / ETH, Switzerland
Mohammadi S., Streubel T., Klock L., Edwards L.J., Lutti A., Pine K.J., Weber S., Scheibe P., Ziegler G., Gallinat J., Kühn S., Callaghan M.F., Weiskopf N., Tabelow K. Error quantification in multi-parameter mapping facilitates robust estimation and enhanced group level sensitivity. Neuroimage 262:119529 (2022). Method for robust quantitative relaxometry, proton density, and magnetization transfer saturation imaging.
Mordhorst, L., Morozova, M., Papazoglou, S., Fricke, B., Oeschger, J. M., Tabarin, T., Rusch, H., Jäger, C., Geyer, S., Weiskopf, N., Morawski, M., & Mohammadi, S. Towards a representative reference for MRI-based human axon radius assessment using light microscopy. Neuroimage 249:118906 (2022).
Weiskopf, N., Edwards, L.J., Helms, G., Mohammadi, S., Kirilina, E. (2021) Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging of brain anatomy and in vivo histology. Nat Rev Phys:1–19.
Mohammadi S, Callaghan MF (2021) Towards in vivo g-ratio mapping using MRI: Unifying myelin and diffusion imaging. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 348:108990.
Tabelow, K., Balteau, E., Ashburner, J., Callaghan, M. F., Draganski, B., Helms, G., Kherif, F., Leutritz, T., Lutti, A., Phillips, C., Reimer, E., Ruthotto, L., Seif, M., Weiskopf, N., Ziegler, G., & Mohammadi, S. hMRI – a toolbox for quantitative MRI in neuroscience and clinical research. Neuroimage 194, 191–210 (2019).
Papazoglou, S., Streubel, T., Ashtarayeh, M., Pine, K. J., Edwards, L. J., Brammerloh, M., Kirilina, E., Morawski, M., Jäger, C., Geyer, S., Callaghan, M. F., Weiskopf, N., & Mohammadi, S. Biophysically motivated efficient estimation of the spatially isotropic component from a single gradient-recalled echo measurement. MRM Editor’s picks of 11/2019
61. David, G., Mohammadi, S., Martin, A. R., Cohen-Adad, J., Weiskopf, N., Thompson, A., & Freund, P. (2019). Traumatic and nontraumatic spinal cord injury: pathological insights from neuroimaging. Nature Reviews Neurology, 1–14.
Ellerbrock, I., & Mohammadi, S. Four in vivo g-ratio-weighted imaging methods: comparability and repeatability at the group level. Hum Brain Mapp 39(1), 24–41 (2018).
Edwards, L. J., Pine, K. J., Ellerbrock, I., Weiskopf, N., & Mohammadi, S. NODDI-DTI: Estimating neurite orientation and dispersion parameters from a diffusion tensor in healthy white matter. Front Neurosci 11:720 (2017).
Mohammadi, S., Carey, D., Dick, F., Diedrichsen, J., Sereno, M., Reisert, M., Callaghan, M., & Weiskopf, N. Whole-brain in-vivo measurements of the axonal g-ratio in a group of 37 healthy volunteers. Front Neurosci 9:441 (2015).
Mohammadi, S., Freund, P., Feiweier, T., Curt, A., & Weiskopf, N. The impact of post-processing on spinal cord diffusion tensor imaging. Neuroimage 70, 377–385 (2013).
Mohammadi, S., Hutton, C., Nagy, Z., Josephs, O., & Weiskopf, N. Retrospective correction of physiological noise in DTI using an extended tensor model and peripheral measurements. Magn Reson Med 70, 358–369 (2013).
Mohammadi, S., Möller, H. E., Kugel, H., Müller, D. K., & Deppe, M. Correcting eddy current and motion effects by affine whole-brain registrations: evaluation of three-dimensional distortions and comparison with slicewise correction. Magn Reson Med 64, 1047–1056 (2010).